Thursday, July 1, 2010

Breezy, Cool and Invigorating

It's so cool this morning that I had to shut the living room window as the breeze was just too cold on me sitting here at the computer.

I guess there won't be many beach goers today because if it's too cool here, it definitely will be cold at the beach and the breeze will make it even colder.  It is the perfect day for walking along the water's edge, picking up shells washed upon the shore or just for a healthy brisk walk.  I'd most likely wear a heavy jacket with a hood.  I always end up with ear aches.

I was out dead heading my flowers this morning and noticed how quiet it was.  The birds, usually quite vocal at this time of morning are evidently hiding except for the noisy woodpecker working at the trees.  He must have found a bounty of insects at the rate he is going.  There might also be a hawk or two in the trees above, and the birds would definitely stay away in that situation.  Ever since I saw one scoop down and lift an injured bird from my patio, I  am on watch most days when it' seems quiet beyond the norm.

Last night we opened our back door to let in the evening coolness and breeze but caught just a slight scent of you know who.  Something must have startled him so we closed the door and enjoyed the breeze from the living room window.  Perfect I thought, so grabbed the chair nearest the lovely swaying green of the sighing trees and read my book.  Even with hubby watching his war movies (3) one after the other, I continued to read.  One book down and another to go.

Tomorrow I won't be blogging nor Saturday most likely.  I go in for my lumbar puncture at 7:15 and know what to expect but don't know how much it will hurt.  I can put up with pain, it's just the thought of a needle in my spine removing spinal fluid.  I pray I won't have a coughing fit at the time.  I was told to take a pain pill before going in and I'm definitely going to do that.  We have a picnic planned for Sunday and I'm hoping I won't be an invalid.  Daughter in law can do most everything since she's small and mighty.  She is so fast, I could never keep up with her.  I've been told so many stories and wish they would keep them to themselves.  It's like the pregnancy stories one hears when newly pregnant with first child.  I remember them well.

The chair and sunny rays are calling to me.  Another book to read and pure quiet.  I can even hear the fridge running and the quiet whirring of the fan overhead in the kitchen.  It will either lull me back to sleep or let me get quite far in my book.  Darn, I have errands to run today and just want to laze around today instead.  Hmmm, maybe I should get them to just put my Vitamins in the mail to me.  It sounds as if I really NEED them doesn't it?  Lazy gal, didn't get much sleep last night.  I was up sick from eating a healthy can of Amy's black bean and lentil soup.  ACK, got a third of it down and it was back up in minutes. So much for healthy organic soups. I won't try that again.

Well, it's time to call this quits and get on with my reading.  No more noisy TV blaring commercials at me.  I swear, some days I want to just shoot the darn thing!

Have a wonderful day all.


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