Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Up Early, A Rough Night

I borrowed this picture from the webb.  It is so beautiful and I needed something cheery to get me in the mood this morning.

Yesterday's trip to doctor, etc. wore hubby and I out.  We came home after spending almost three hours in that heat getting in and out of car doors which just helped to exhaust us.  The AC doesn't work well in that old car anymore.  You never realize just how many times you do that when running errands and shopping until you get home and pass out. I woke up at 6:30 and had to check the microwave to see if it was p.m. or a.m.  I thought we had fallen asleep in our chairs and slept through the night.  What a strange feeling and even more so when you can't make out whether it's morning or evening.  Of course the pouring rain made it look darker than usual at that time but still, to wake up suddenly and not know which is which is a bit of a puzzle.

This morning it is still drizzling and we have to go to the dentist.  NOT ME!  If it were, I wouldn't be cheerful at all.  This time it's our son's turn. 

I wish just once I could sleep through the night.  The pain in the legs and calves wakes me up mighty quick.  Then I have to rub the muscles until they let loose and I can walk freely again.  Getting up so quickly and bracing myself against the wall while I do the tip toe exercise is quite the ouch factor.  By the time the muscles have loosened, I'm too awake to be able to go back to bed and sleep.  I guess that's the plan for now.  It's a good thing I fall asleep during the daytime but that's when I should be moving, not sleeping.

I suggested we put up a badminton set when I was sitting on the deck two nights ago.  Whatever was I thinking?  I can barely walk yet I expected to bounce around chasing a ping pong ball?  Son says its a good idea too so at least I can sit and watch them.  I could just stand out of the way and pick up the missed ones but knowing me, I'd bend over and end on my head.  It happens you know.  The body just keeps right on going wherever the head is pointing.  It's slow motion and must look pretty funny.  Oh well, at least its a soft landing.

Nothing much happening lately other than life.  With hubby busy and this heat, nobody feels like jumping in the hot car just for fun.  The beaches are all packed and I'm not a sun bunny anyway but I would like to set up a chair by the water just to smell that salt sea air and inhale the early morning mist.  Those days of just hopping in my car and taking drives on my own are over.  I'd leave early in the morning and walk on the hard packed sand as far as I could.  Then would find a dry place to sit and just relax.  I'd be home before hubby even woke up. 

It's nice and quiet outside but also very wet.  I think I will take a very thick beach towel and go out side and sit.  It should smell nice after all the rain and there certainly isn't any sun to worry about.  This is my favorite time of the day, watching everything come to life.  The birds aren't even out and about yet.  But they don't have a microwave to tell them it's morning. Smile!

Maybe now our heat wave has come to an end.  I haven't seen the weather report and take each day as it comes, but have to admit I'm sick of it.  If I wanted that kind of heat I'd move to Florida.  Ugh, my least favorite state just because of stifling heat and something being in bloom all year round to keep my allergies in full swing.  It reminds me of a large swamp and even though I love the trees draped in Spanish moss, I realize that such beauty also is a killer of the trees.  I did love riding in the pontoon boats in the Everglades though.  Beautiful, exciting, and full of surprises. I take that back about hating Florida, the sunsets are beautiful and I loved the evenings and those little lizards crawling all over the place.  They didn't creep me out but some of the people at the beach in the evenings did.

Sorry I got off track and slammed Florida.  It really is the state I like least but Kansas and those endless miles of wheat made me feel as if we were driving in a maze.  Our RV days are over but there are so many lovely memories of beautiful fishing streams we drove by and all the different colored rocks that the water showed to advantage. We'd always make a plan and then dump it to head for the mountains.  Too beautiful to describe.  God's art.

I guess I'd better quit for today, my eyes feel like they have grit in them.  All the fans blowing most likely.  Helps to spread the dust around... If I've made mistakes, well just ignore them.  I'm too tired to go through this and everything looks fuzzy anyway.

Have a good day and enjoy whatever it is that catches your fancy.


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