Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I've Had An Unusual Night

My Lovely Blue and White Morning Glory

I got up this morning for the 3rd time and lo and behold, hubby was just going to bed.  It was only 3 a.m., but I thought this is the third time I've gotten up and couldn't go back to sleep so best strike while the iron was hot.  In other words, I would load my latest pictures taken yesterday onto my computer.  This one I had to take no matter how I was feeling but couldn't focus it for some reason.  Then I realized I had to take my sunglasses off.  Duh!  I had my backside propped against my car so I could look up and started snapping away.  To say I'm pleased with my picture is an understatement.  And I didn't fall down. Surprise, surprise.  I'm getting smarter in my old age or else the brain matter is rejuvenating.

Did you ever have a day when you felt as though you were in a fog and everything was in slow motion?  Well everything I did yesterday was in slow motion.  The heat was so bad that I was just a small mound of melted jello.  And the news says we are to have this hellish heat up through Friday.  I know where I'll be today, tomorrow, Thursday and Friday also.  I've got plenty of books to choose from so this will be my reading week.  Usually I can go through a book a day when I get up to snuff.  I love to read and this week is a good excuse for it.  Now if we had a good air conditioner which cooled the whole house I'd be in hog heaven.  Next year we will cut a large hole in the living room wall and put the largest air conditioner we can afford there.  Just the thought makes me flinch a little bit.  Son Mike and hubby are going to do it.  Out with the hutch and in with the AC.  Yes, it sounds great.  Maybe we can do it this year in the Fall.  Going to the bank with all our saved up change and bet we will have half the cost of the AC already.  I'm planning!

I feel so badly for my son Mike having to go to work in a sweat shop.  We bought him a large, metal, heavy duty fan which they love in his shop. It's like being in a wind tunnel since it puts out so much cool air  and it's so powerful.  Unfortunately it doesn't help him any because he is on the machines.  Standing all day as a machinist has to be hard on the back and legs, and he jumps from machine to machine, checking to see if they are on target.  He really is good at his job too and like me, a perfectionist which only allows the superiors to take advantage.  You know what I mean, I left my job and they hired two to replace me.  That should tell you something.  I guess that's the way it goes when you are good natured and pitch in to help everybody else when they need it.  Not like the Divas who think a job is only the one listed in their outdated job description.

If I could I would love to be at work again.  I miss the fun of being with other people and brightening the day for somebody.  I worked with engineers and they were a fun bunch.  Of course each one thought his work was of the utmost importance while I, in turn, prioritized them my own way.  They all were finished before the deadline and if they happened to bring me a candy bar back from lunch, well his was finished just a wee bit sooner than expected.  Not that I took bribes (wink), it's just that chocolate gave me more energy and kept me sweet instead of itchy with a capital B. Ah, the years of change and hot flashes and the daily trips to the freezer to cool myself off.  When one of the fellows would make a wise crack I'd just say I was checking on whether or not we needed ice cream.  That only lasted so long.  I did make it 8 years though and I fondly look back at those good old days.  It certainly taught me what I was made of.  Oh if they could see me now...

If I could only run again, and skip and play jump rope.  Man lady, I think you've flipped your cork.  Just ruminating, just ruminating.  I'm still with it after all.  Just wishing for the ability, not saying I'd actually do it.  Stretching exercises are my limit but I can bend over and touch my hands to the floor and that's something to brag about.  Well isn't it?! Stretching does that for me.  I can remember when I could take my leg and bring it up back and touch my head.  Of course I wouldn't want to do that now.  And sit and bring both legs up around my neck.  I was like a pretzel but not anymore.  If only I could keep my balance.  I don't like my hubby saying I'm unbalanced! It doesn't sound like a loving statement to me.  He can't even bend down to touch his knees. The belly gets in his way.  Oh enough of this picking on him, but it's true.  He says it's from all my good cooking.  See, I even get blamed for that.

It was 75 degrees when I got up at three and I bet it's gone up since then.  Maybe I should just go back to bed and start this day all over again.  I feel so accomplished.  Pictures loaded and my blog written.  And this morning I knew what I was doing without all the mistakes and frustration.  I shouldn't say that, this isn't over yet.  I still have to check spelling and change things around.  Better to not mess with it, you'll forgive spelling or a missed word or two won't you?

I pray that you will all have a good day, your tempers will stay even, you'll keep cool, and whatever you do today will bring you joy.


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