Friday, June 6, 2014

It's Been Awhile

You can't imagine what hell I've gone through to get back to my blog. To say I almost lost my mind trying passwords and those damn words/ letters that I typed in again and again with no luck. After weeks of following directions and trying to get across to them that I don't receive texts on my phone, today, after trying for two hours, they must have taken pity on me and we changed my password. OMG, this blogging can turn one into a whipped, confused nut case. As angry as I got, I needed purple but the only thing purple was this hydrangea, in lovely hues of violet and blue. I think the picture is what has calmed me down. It is so beautiful and the colors so appealing, that I won't go into what I had planned to write.

After being away from my blog for almost a year and a half, and having lost my way a bit, I will try to say "Hello" to everyone out there and wish you all a beautiful day. Our sun just popped out and it is so refreshing after all the rain we've had that I no longer want to blog, just need to get some of that warm sunshine on my neck and shoulders. Believe me, they need some warming up the most. Sooo tense.

I can see that life in the 70's has made its mark on me and not for the best. Illness and loss has taken their toll and I must truly make an effort to put words to the page. Now that I'm here though, I can feel my body begin to loose its stiffness and my mind says, "outta here," So today I'm following my heart and will be arranging my potted flowers in places I think best for them. Take care friends and enjoy this beautiful sunshine while it lasts. Me? I'm going to take a shower and begin the process of applying for my passport. I'll tell you about it later.

Precious Memories

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wrap me in Bubble Wrap!


I have been away from my blogging due to appointments for tests, and doctor's approvals for my upcoming surgery. The past 3 days though has been due to a cat bite to the top side of my hand, just beside the vein. 

I didn't think it was too bad until all the swelling and pain, plus I was unable to actually use the hand because it felt too tight.  I knew it could be a big problem if not taken care of so I began the constant washings and using peroxide after each wash.  Also an antibiotic ointment and fresh dressings.  The angry red and swelling came down slowly and I was careful to help the wound drain.  My cat knew to stay out of my way and so hid under the chair until she sensed my feelings had cooled down enough to show her love. I was prepared to go to the doctor but knew if I was careful and watchful, I could get through it without a shot of antibiotic. 

Kitty is getting old, she's ten now and the new dog to the household has her all out of sorts. If you pay attention to the dog, you must be sure to love the kitty also and not always in that order. Last night she approached his food dish to sample the chicken. That set off a giggling session because the dog stood there watching, and whining like a little kid.  He eats her food so I guess she thought it was okay to sample his since he wasn't eating it.

The men have been putting a new roof on the garage in between our days of rain here.  With bad backs and all the aching they have to put up with, the job just doesn't go as quickly as they remembered.  Of course eight years does make quite a difference. Dad was upset because he couldn't keep up with them and felt very down.  At 74 and with heart and breathing problems, I don't know why he thought he could.  Anyway, here it is Sunday, and our Number One son is doing the last of the work before the rain hits us again.

I know it's time to get off the computer and make a big pot of vegetable beef soup.  It's cold out there and even in the house I'm feeling the cold.  I guess it's time to turn the heat on.  My bedroom window is wide open and I'm not that hearty gal I thought I was.

You all enjoy your Sunday and like me, put on a pot of something hot and nutritious.  One pot of soup and the other of chili.  That should hold my crew.

Hugs and warm wishes

Thursday, October 4, 2012


.Yesterday was the 12th anniversary of my youngest sons accident.  On life support for 6 days and then brain dead.  We knew it was going  to be so for a few days, but hope springs eternal as the saying goes.  This morning while trying to clear off the top shelf of my bedroom closet, I reached up and down came a book, hitting me in the head.  I was shocked, it was a book full of poetry that I had written to get through my grief.  I couldn't believe it, I also couldn't believe how much I had written and how powerful it was.  The written word somehow takes the sting out of reading it some years later.
The wound, reopened, didn't bleed quite as much nor set me off on a crying jag.  The words seemed to calm me and I knew then that I was happy with my place in life. I've raised three loving sons and they are not the type to avoid affection.  I get plenty of hugs and I love yous.  Awkward sentence, but this blog entry has been strange since the very start. Every goof you could imagine has happened causing me to reconsider blogging today.  I was unable to begin new paragraphs where wanted and had to use the down arrow to accomplish this one. It's nerve wracking and I don't know what I did different today from other days I've written.  Gremlins perhaps?
The past two days have been spent on doctor's visits and a trip to the hospital for lab work and an EKG.  Monday it's another MRI. I think it will only take an hour or two to accomplish and surprise, you have to wait up to two hours for your appointment which has long gone by.  I was in a bit of a snit and was sorry my hubby and son had to sit in boredom waiting for me. Oh well, that's the system now I guess. I liked going to my Primary Care Physician who would get you in and out as quickly as possible, whether you wanted him to or not. These big Ortho Clinics are something else. I dare not open my mouth about the wait since the surgeon will be the one operating the 16th.  No, that would not be smart at all.
All this rain has made me blue and today I will put on another pot of soup to cook. Now that paragraph went smoothly without me doing anything different.  What?? Since I'm on a roll I am smart enough to get off the computer for today.
Embrace each day and those you love.  We don't get the chance to do reruns when we experience loss.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Inside Out

While the house is quiet and I have no animals fighting yet, I will try to get a few paragraphs down before I stop blogging again.  Once you stop for a few days, it's hard to get started again.

I have newly developed a few uncomfortable things to live with in the past year.  I'm allergic to elastic waist bands and different types of thread used in clothing.  All tags must be cut off and carefully removed that which has been sewn over.

Here I sit, nightgown turned inside out because stitching makes me itch until I'm an agitated mess.  I now wear all clothing inside out except my jeans.  Why they have to use poor quality thread and imported fabrics is beyond me.  These items of clothing are not cheap and most I order from Vermont Country Store.  I'm at the point now of just needing comfortable muu muus, loose blouses and shirts (all of which I must wear inside out due to stitched seams, irritating collars.  I'm a sight to behold believe me. I'm also the subject of laughter from my family when they see me in these get ups. Every day is a new experience.

I guess it's time to order some new and pretty sweat suits.  Since I take a larger top than bottom, I have to order separately instead of the pretty suits that come one size.  It's just my luck, but since I don't go anywhere, I guess it really doesn't matter.

Just try to buy bras without the spandex, elastic, boning, etc. They are torture and I try to get by without them as much as possible. Another thing for family to laugh over.  I guess I could throw them over my shoulders, but how to get them to stay? 

I guess I'm getting silly now so will close for today. They say you have to take the bad with the good, but things just seem to go from bad, badder, and baddest to worst!

You all enjoy this dreary rainy day. My bones are aching and I'm dressed for Alaska.  Also a sight to behold.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Computer on Vacation

Just Hanging On In There
Oh my, it's been a few days of confusion for me here.  Ever since my computer clicked off and came back on blue screen, I've lost all my settings and all my favorites were in large type with location of blogs, etc.  Now I had to go to my history of 2 weeks ago in order to find my blog and to find addresses that were normally listed on my Yahoo Home Page.

I bit the bullet today in order to go forward and wish there was somebody to help me here.  All use mobile phones now or I Pads.  I would really be lost using them, although the IPad looks interesting.  No matter, no money for that kind of foolishness.

I cooked a huge pot of chili and another of beef stew this past week.  They never were saved for the freezer for when I'm out of commission and the fellas are on their own.  Today I'm making an Autumn soup and my son can't stay out of it.  He's been raving at the flavor when at first he turned up his nose at it.  Since he's been helping me do all the chopping of veggies, I know he can make one by himself if he knows what spices to use.  Yum, the fresh rosemary that I cut from my potted garden this morning has the house smelling heavenly.  It also gives the soup a wonderful robust base.  I will try to save enough for a meal for them if I can. Otherwise it's grinders, canned soups, and easy things like frozen cheese filled ravioli with sauce when I'm not here to cook.

The cat went outside about an hour ago and caught one of those cute little ground squirrels.  She tried to get back inside with her little gift.  I let my son take care of it.  I didn't have the heart nor stomach to see the damage done. Oh well, that's what happens when you live in the boonies and the critters are running across the patio step, right under her eyes as if to tease her.  Inside the dog chases after her so I guess she figures turnabout is fair game.

It is pouring out today and from the weather channel comes the news that we will have 5 more days of it. I'm not happy about that since Monday and Tuesday I go to the doctor and to the hospital for blood work and another MRI.  I just want a few nice days to get outside and sit in the sun with the dog.  He must get tired of being cooped up with a boring senior citizen.  But after my surgery the 16th and my rehab, I have high hopes.  The words to that song, just popped into my mind but lucky for you, you can't suffer through my singing it. Do YOU remember it?

The guys are going to the auto parts store and again to the grocery store for some french bread to go with the soup, and I hope they bring me home a little surprise.  Like those tiny York Peppermint Patties which I open and throw everywhere on the shelves of my freezer.  It takes forever to find one and that is my reason.  I have to work to find a sweet.  Damn diabetes...

Okay, I did my blog and made supper too so I've accomplished my mission.  I have no idea if anyone reads my blog as I sit here and write, so I don't feel too guilty about skipping the past few days. Does this go on the Internet?  I don't quite understand  if this is for others or only for me and a few close friends. I'm comfortable with the few close friends because then they know I'm alive and kicking and still up to doing some things.  My mind still works so that's a plus isn't it?

Well, it's so long for now and happy trails to you as Roy Rogers used to sing at the end of his show. My favorite character was his horse.

Hugs to you and yours.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

More Memories

It has taken me quite some time to get on the computer this morning due to my fingers not wanting to cooperate.  They are like ice and I kept making mistakes.  That sure takes the fun out of typing with all the stops and gos.  Gos, is that even a word?  Maybe it should be goes but my fingers aren't going anywhere.

I've mentioned my little Granny a number of times in my blog and this morning I was lucky enough to come across this picture.  It's only about seventy years old.  That's Granny holding my cousin Ray on her lap and me standing beside them.  In a dress no less.  I wonder how long I kept that clean?

While at my aunt's house Sunday, she brought me two lovely pins I had given Granny for gifts when we were in Germany.  One I will wear with my turtle neck sweaters. The other will be for dressy occasions.  Huh, when do I ever go anywhere to dress up!  With orthopedic shoes, it sure doesn't give me the incentive to do other than wear longer dresses, denim, of course.

I need to stay focused today so I'm not all over the place.  That seems to be how I work now, as the thought occurs.  That gets me in trouble at times. Sometimes it leads to happy and funny memories which really are a treat instead of dwelling on aches and pains and what is to be.  I have it in my mind that after surgery, I will be able to do things I haven't been able to do for years.  Like jump rope for exercise.  Now that's quite a stretch but I keep reaching in my mind.

I need to start a stew that was supposed to be done yesterday. I promised it would be made today and hopefully, it will last a few days instead of disappearing as the chili did.  I made enough to freeze but they kept eating it so the pan was empty before I knew it. So, it's off the machine and on to the stew.

You all have a wonderful day and enjoy the beautiful sunshine.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Fighting this Darn Computer Today

I have spent so much time and effort today trying to recover my blog from the depths of the cyber space, I'm now an afternoon blogger.  It turns out my grandson used my computer to update his resume and didn't sign out.  I kept getting a strange name on my account and couldn't get signed in. And of course they couldn't find me anywhere on the Webb.  I thought I'd been hacked.  I'm not in shape body or mind to deal with things like this. The machine went to blue screen and I thought, okay, I'll give it one more try and then that's it! After calming down and restarting with a quiet mind, I was able to fix the problem. The next time I have a problem I will look first to see if a certain someone never signed himself off my machine.

Yesterday was such a beautiful day.  I did go to my aunt's for a visit and we had a wonderful morning recounting memories.  She remembered more than I, but then, she's older and I hadn't been born yet. After leaving her house I drove to my friend Nancy's and we had a good 2 hour visit.  Lots of laughing which was good for both of us.  Upon leaving her house, I decided to come home using all the back roads so off I went.  I got lost but knew one road would lead to another  eventually so continued on.  I traveled almost every road in Ledyard and it was a beautiful drive. I even drove to our old house where I pulled up in the driveway and observed all the changes.  The huge pine trees which were bought for each kid for Christmas were causing too much shade so they cut them down.  My heart took a drop and I quickly backed out and drove on.  No, you really can't go back home again.

I had left home at 10 in the morning before the others were awake and drove up my driveway at 5 p.m.  Six and one half hours and not a thing was said to me except, "Did you enjoy your day?"  You betcha honey!  I felt as if I was a super woman.  After not driving for so long though, I think I'll keep my next break-out for only an hour or so and much, much closer to home. At least up until mid October, after that the surgery will keep me grounded.

Hugs are important so be sure to spread them around today. You'll be surprised at all the smiles you receive in return.
