Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Hubby, My Hero

Yesterday was a high pain day for both hubby and I. He has chronic back pain and his hips are about done for. We had gone to the chiropractor to have work done to alleviate the worst of the pain. (No such thing...)

Anyway, we were on our way home driving on a back country road and right before a large farm, in the middle of the road, stood a woman looking distressed and evidently in need of help. We stopped and asked if we could assist her. She tearfully explained that a three-legged dog was in the farmer's field lying down. and she couldn't get him to stand up and come to her. He was wore out and much too tired to make it back on his feet without help.

I called to the dog and and hubby did also. The poor little guy shakily got to his feet and slowly tried to make his way to us, but fell down again before making it to the stone wall. Hubby climbed the wall and walked over to the dog. The little fella just looked at him with those big pleading eyes so hubby bent over and lifted him up. He carried him down the muddy field to where there was a gate, and we cut it lose in order for it to open. Hubby then carried the dog to the woman's car and laid him gently in the back, petting him so he would calm down and lay quietly.

The woman thanked us, smiling broadly, and then drove him home to his owner, whom had installed a lovely dog proof fence around his yard. Smile. We made sure to follow closely behind her to encourage the other dog, his partner in crime, to also make it home safe and sound. We then came home, hubby took a shower and passed out in his recliner. So much for the back work, but the look in that little dog's eyes said it all.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Is She Coming?

Oh Spring, where art thou?
This morning it was raining buckets and then the snow came (again). My body aches so much in so many places that I'm sitting here where I can watch the sun ( my sun lamp) and play tricks on my mind and the old bones.
The birds have been to all the feeders (11 large ones) and the deer have eaten their fill of food. I know they will be back for lunch though since that seems to be their schedule. They eat more times a day than I do! I just put another pair of socks on and if I could type with gloves I would try that also. Our heat is set to 70 degrees so I have no idea why I'm so cold. I even have my blankie across my knees which makes it difficult to reach my keyboard but warmth comes first with me. If I make mistakes just ignore them. Please...
I know with all our illnesses, we expect problems but heavens, could this latest be AGE??? I even find myself making myself a cup of hot anything just to hold the cup and get my fingers warm and limber. LOL, I bet I have some company here.I keep telling myself, only another month to go, only another month to go, but it isn't working. I don't want to speed the days by any faster because at my age it's time to stop and smell the roses. Oh if only there were roses here in Connecticut in the dead of winter.However, one bright note of sunshine in my diatribe against the cold. I actually spied tiny pussy willows on a tree in the swamp yesterday.
Yes, I actually saw the silky white shine of them showing through. Now to find some that aren't in the middle of a swamp. I won't give up though, I'll keep looking until I find some that I can get to more easily. I don't think my walker goes through swamps very well. Of course I haven't tried it but on this quest I will pass.
Looking out my living room window, the snow on the ground looks so beautiful. While outside the back door, it is quickly melting and all the huge boulders and trees look as if they are getting ready for spring. Hmmm, which window lifts my sprits more? I can always buy some cheap silk daffodils to stick out in the barren ground to fool me. At least it would be something cheerful to look at. But aren't I lucky to have two such vastly different scenes to look upon just by turning my head?
Yes, I have to admit to being very lazy also today. LOL, working on taxes has taken away all my steam. Anything that takes effort now is being denied by me.
On a good note, I did ride my new exercise bike for a whole two minutes first thing this morning, and when I got off, I didn't think I had legs under me. A sure sign that this winter sitting has done me no good. Oh well, Spring is coming. Yes it is, and I'll rejoice in the small buds of newly awakened daffodils barely showing their heads of cheery and much needed yellow after such a snowy, dreary winter. I can't wait to see the tiny awakening of new leaves appearing on the trees. Allergies? But of course, but you just have to go with the flow. Even if its the nose doing the flowing.
Have a great day everyone!