Friday, January 29, 2010

Yesterday versus Today

Yesterday there was snow, beautiful snow. Huge white flakes of heaven. Today it is cold, windy and sunny. Bless the sun or my mood would be in my sneakers. It's too cold for me to go out so I will enjoy looking at my domain sitting on my duff at the computer. Out the back door is one scene, the front window an entirely different one. Some days I like one more than the other, but today I just don't care.
Last night the wind sounded like a freight train going by and until I opened the drapes and looked outside, I never would have known the noise was caused by the wind. It howled for a little while and then calmed down. Next came the snow but it didn't stick, so that's something to be thankful for. Hubby can't very well shovel and use the plow with his leg bummed out so we'll be thankful for small miracles.
A few weeks ago when my computer crashed, I lost all my pretty pictures taken with my digital camera. Gone! My poetry and writings, gone! So I've cheated and put some pretty red berries I confiscated from the web in order to add some color to my blog. I always need color, otherwise I find the page too boring and drab to look at.
Hubby got on the computer last night to play his games of Free Cell and Solitaire. In the middle of it all, the screen went blue and funny things began to happen. He sat here and watched it and after a little bit he said to me, "Honey, the computer is acting funny. It's very slow and things keep popping on the screen." Poor guy, with his bum leg I spun his chair away from the computer and tried to figure what went wrong. I did a scan right away to check for viruses and it turned into an all night ordeal. I finished at 3:05 a.m. and got a clean bill of health from McAfee. The problem was one of the drivers. Like I know what a driver is... Hubby swore to never touch the computer again because something always happened when he was on it. LOL. Poor guy, he'll get over it.
After that I fell into bed with the cat and woke up much too early. I know it will be nap time soon for this old gal. Computers and I just don't mix. I don't have the technical skills but I can write you a poem or create beautiful crafts. Nope, unfortunately I panic when things go wrong on this monster and wish I could still write by hand. It's for sure I wouldn't be blogging though. Son is so tired of me running to him with computer problems but he went to school for computer programming and I paid for it. I'm not dumb, just crazy like a fox.
My butt bones are aching so I've sat here long enough. It's time to feed my brain and do some puzzles to get my mind in gear. You all have a beautiful day.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Way It Really Is

Okay, I guess I will come clean and let it all out. When I started this blog I intended to only be optimistic and not put in all the negativity going on in our lives, more so recently. But now I find that harder and harder to do because it's just been one thing after the other for months and I can't just snap back like I used to. Attitude is everything but sometimes things just get to be too much. So I haven't felt like getting on here to let it all out. That said, I'm betting that many of you also have had these kinds of times and challenges and I assume you made it back.

In order to come to this blog, I feel I should just tell it like it is, with a touch of humor added. Today was my test and I passed with flying colors but not to my husband's way of thinking.

Monday was a very rainy and windy day. Hubby went outside and within minutes, managed to fall down three steps and his leg popped and doubled up under him. He was in so much pain and it took awhile to get him in the house. I applied ice, gave him a pain pill and tried to quiet him down so his blood pressure wouldn't go sky high. I called the Medical Clinic and told them what had happened and they told us to go to the Emergency Room. I felt we should keep icing the leg and wait for the pain pill to take effect. Then I decided if any damage had been done and I had ignored checking it out, I would have felt awful for addidng to his pain.

We went to the ER and spent some time while they found a doctor to check him out. They took X-rays of his knee and hip. They found arthritis and fluid on the knee. Not too unusual a finding since we are 71 and 69. Not exactly spring chickens but not ready for the buzzards yet. The doctor told him go home and do just what I had intended to in the beginning. Today we had to go to the Primary Care Physician since it was in the instructions from the hospital. He also said to go home and use heat now but to try to keep his full weight off it. My body is now in the form of a Capital C!

Upon leaving the doctor's office, I think there must have been smoke coming out of my ears because we are on the merry go around of doctors, therapists, etc. and he won't follow any of their orders. Once the pain lets up, the memory goes. Okay, I thought, we will do it HIS way and I dont' want to hear any complaining. We stopped off for breakfast and then it started snowing fast and furious. It was beautiful and euphoric for me because i've spent almost 3 months in house sick with one thing after the other. So I was enjoying the drive home and he was my prisoner.

He never lets me drive so I feel like I must be feeble minded or just around the bend from a nursing home. Well now I had the wheel and I was enjoying the beauty of the snow and driving carefully home. I laughed as I got a little close to his side of the road. He actually jumped and I burst out laughing. I told him he was getting a little bit of his own medicine. All the way home we were bickering, me with laughter and he highly indignant. I found it rather fun to be truthful. Now he was realizing just how it felt to be in the passenger seat, low to the ground and at MY mercy. Jeez, we made it home much too soon to suit me but long enough for him to get the gist of how he made me feel with his fast driving and his narrow misses due to looking at the cars, trucks, etc. He forgets I'm sitting there, hanging on white knuckled, to the car door handle until we arrive safely home.

The snow has stopped, he's his loving, laughing self again and I sit here typing, and laughing. I'm such a witch!

Have a great day everyone.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Will Try Again - New Beginnings

This is Romeo, my cousin Lynn's cat. When the photo arrived in an email yesterday morning I fell in love with it and thought it perfect to start my New Year blogging with. Notice the dirt all over the sink and my cuz was in the middle of getting ready for church. It's a good thing she has two bathrooms in her house. The poinsettia is on it's last legs, I am just getting back on mine and a new year is already in the making. How appropriate...

By the way, Happy New Year everbody. A tad late but it is still the New Year isn't it? Five days into it and we have already had 4 good snow storms of quite some accumulation. Our first one at the end of December left us with over two and a half feet of beautiful white stuff. The last one just went on for three days so to me that makes 4. I can't believe I didn't feel like getting my camera and taking pictures. (Smile, my butt was dragging.) I guess I would have had to get dressed in order to do that. Me and snow just don't mix since I can't walk in it with a cane or walker so I'm much better off 'inside.' And I wasn't exactly human at the time. Today is my first day of feeling much better so I thought, I blog today or never!

Since Christmas, Hubby was out in the Cook mobile (home made snow plow) making his swipes of the driveway almost daily and having too much fun doing it. Son was shoveling out cars in order to move them out of the way and jockey them around so the plow didn't hem them in. Together they make quite a team. Hubby came in and promptly fell asleep after getting his breath back. I just stayed out of the way, pushing antibiotics and hoping that I would truly have a Happy New Year.

Well, I will close for now and get some breakfast. Usually I end up eating breakfast closer to lunch time and I made myself a promise I would get more organized. Time will tell.

Have a wonderfu day and will see you back tomorrow. Maybe something exciting will have happened in that short amount of time.
