Thursday, July 22, 2010

Breezy, Cool, and Beautiful So Far

I've been trying for the past half hour to insert this last picture of my morning glories to my blog page.  The hot, burning days have wiped out my vines and no matter how much I babied them, the day after day brutal heat burned them mercilessly.  But I have these few pictures to remember and enjoy their lasting beauty.

I don't know about you but I have received some mighty strange mail recently.  One was an invitation from a funeral parlor inviting me to a showing and pre-planning with refreshments to boot.  You can bet I turned that down.  Next came a last minute opportunity to buy insurance so as not to leave a burden on my children for funeral expenses.  Would you believe there was also a flier with caskets in a paper that we don't usually get telling us the price of the cheapest caskets and up.  I vouch for the $299 one.  I bet it's made of pressed paper.  All the better to be absorbed into the earth.  My owls also brought a message.  I thought they were my guides, not so I'm informed.  An owl visiting is a messenger of death.  Okay, enough of that.  Nobody is going to scare me to death.  I'll go on my own terms if possible.  All these things coming one after the other and also the commercials on television.  Enough is enough.

Hubby and I were talking about what we'd like to do for our big 50 anniversary and thought a ride on the Essex train for a two hour excursion through beautiful Connecticut in October would be perfect.  Olde Thyme's Restaurant would serve a gourmet meal in the splendor of an old dinner coach.  I like that idea.  With our luck it would be full of noisy children so that puts a damper on it for me.  In my head I'm picturing an elegant coach with a quiet dinner for two.  Keep thinking about it, and put things in perspective and in a positive light.  It just might be surprisingly nice.

Or we could go to our beloved Vermont for a long weekend and really enjoy ourselves.  Hubby calls it a miniature West Virginia and we have gone every year since my mom and dad took us on a trip with them for their anniversary.  It was beautiful and mom and I loved all the little craft shops, and beautiful baskets.  After all these years though, I've had my fill of crafts and baskets.  I've been giving them away for ages.  A house can only hold so much and right now we need room for us to walk in.  I can no longer navigate the beautiful treasures set out here and there.  My staggering wreaks damage so to protect myself, I'm parting with them to people who love them and I have an affection for.

It gives me so much satisfaction to be the giver of something very dear to me and see another receive joy from the giving.  I was a Seraphim angel collector but am now parting with some of them, something I never thought I would do.  Angels surround us in every room except the den  with the owl pictures, and the bathroom of course.  I didn't quite think the bathroom was the place for them.  A picture maybe but not the real article.

My kitchen garden window is filled with crystals, coral from Florida which I bought since you are not allowed to gather coral from the ocean.  I agree with the reasoning behind that rule. I also have gem stones still in the formations from the earth and they glitter when the light hits them just so.  Not like the jewelry which has been cut and polished, just the real thing in their actual element.  Odd little shells and pieces of sea glass collected in a bottle. Beautiful colored and shaped rocks from out west which I had to hide in the drawers of the RVso hubby wouldn't  realize I was on the rock bit again. He even helped me when he came across one he knew I would love. These are my treasures and I watch them radiate their beauty everyday in the light of the sun.   Mm, these are the best treasures, gifts from our Mother Earth. 

Of course we all know our real treasures are our loved ones and we must remind them daily of our love for them.  Treasures are what you find you joy in. Our mates, parents, children and grandchildren,  and also our memories of those no longer with us physically.

Have a great day and enjoy your treasures daily.  


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