Friday, July 23, 2010

Boat For Sale!

This is the infamous boat that my hubby bought two years ago and spent months refurbishing it to the great state it is now in.

There had been no discussion about buying a boat, he just lugged it home one day and end of discussion. I shake my head a lot sometimes.  We live in the woods and there are no marinas near here.  To launch this beauty is an act of congress.  First you have to find a place to launch it and wait in line for ages while other boaters launch theirs.  Each time the boys tried to go out in it, they gave up waiting.  Twice they actually managed to find a place in Groton, and happily launched it, expecting a great day of fishing after all their work of getting the boat free from the trucks hitch while others honked horns at them to hurry.  Upon getting free from the dock, they enthusiastically were on their way.  Lunches packed and cold drinks in the cooler, it was going to be a great day with dad.

After about an hour, hubby didn't feel so well (he's been in the Navy and on ships for 6 years), so the boys carefully watched him thinking it was his heart.  They couldn't believe it when he leaned over the boat and let go!  Surprise, the poor man was seasick.  Hey, no bait they had something better.  Not funny but gee whiz, they never expected that.  Old Dad told them to go ahead, he would be okay in a few minutes.  The few minutes went by and his face was looking green so the boys turned the boat around and got their dad back to the boat launch to bring him home.

Weeks later, thinking that day was just a fluke and due to the heat, they got their dad a special hat and motion sickness medicine.  Then they all started out again on a day of cool breezes with cloudy skies.  Load the boat, arrive at boat launch, get the boat in water and away they go.  It didn't take long for them to realize that it just wasn't going to happen.  Dad was upchucking again and told them he was sorry to ruin another day of trying to go fishing with them and to bring him back to shore.

The boat has sat for the past summer and now hubby realizes it just isn't his cup of tea.  So, the boat, motor and trailer sit at the end of our driveway with newly made For Sale signs on it.  It's a beautiful lawn ornament.  Just think, if it doesn't get sold, I can fill it with petunias next year and have them drape over the sides adding colorful beauty and maybe catching some attention.  Hubby is now concentrating on building a nice deck and maybe next year we will have a pool.  Maybe this year if we vote for the blow up pool that is easily taken down at the end of the summer.  Son is seriously thinking of this.  We already went the other route and we were the ones cleaning it every day.

Now the sons just drive to a fishing spot and fish till their hearts content.  They are 'catch and release fishermen', they just do it for the relaxation and have no intention of bringing any fish home.  Neither of them like fish.  Can you imagine that after reading all this???

Have a great day people, I'm running errands while it's cool out.  The sun will soon be up and the heat will descent upon us again.  Oh well, I'll not complain.


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