Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Don't Let the Little Things Get You

It's strange how some of life's most beautiful moments can be ruined by the thorns of life.  Evidently someone doesn't like my blog and instead of just not reading it, has responded with little nasty remarks.  I take it in stride and just remember the porcupine who always has to send out a barb to ruin somethings or some one's day.  I consider him to be a porcupine and that said, will continue on with my blog.
I spent this morning out taking pictures of the most mundane things.  On the forest floor there is all kinds of beautiful moss growing and yes, I did take a picture.  Also of two ant hills that look monstrous to me and I wondered if it was really ants or those ground wasps.  I wasn't taking any chances since I did destroy one of them with my big feet and felt a quick getaway was the answer.

The ground there was so thickly carpeted with dead leaves that my foot sank and kept right on going deeper as I realized I was in a hole.  All in all, I found everything fresh and interesting after the soaking rain of yesterday.  I spied a bench around the fire pit and sat for a few minutes just enjoying the scent of the woods and pines.  I really miss the camping we did years ago with our three young sons.  Hubby was born 100 years too late because he built us a little tree fort and also made a sink for me between the tree branches with a hose to drain the water for washing my hair.  Of course we had to haul hugs containers of water because I needed to clean up every day and made the boys do the same.  "Oh mom, we don't wash or brush our teeth on a camping trip.  Nobody does."  Well, I had news for them, we DO.  Three little boys playing in the woods can get might grubby and their sweaty little heads made my nose itch so it was shaved heads and washing with a wash cloth for them.

I really miss those days of  adventure and discovery.  Everything was such a 
 delight to them and even now, they are fishermen, (they catch and let loose), and they enjoy the woods as much now as they did then.  They were so easily pleased and the fighting among them quieted when out in the woods.  They listened to the critters at night and would ask what that noise was.  They learned quite a bit about nature from their nature nut mom.

Of course there were emergency runs to the nearest hospital when we accidentally disturbed a hornets nest and they quickly embedded themselves in the head of my youngest who was only two years old.  We just left everything, hopped in the car and headed for the Emergency Room.  When we were stopped by a state trooper, he could see the crown of bees on the little guy's head and told us to follow him to the hospital and don't worry about the speed.  He would clear the way for us.  It was heart breaking to see them pull out the hornets one by one and the little trickles of blood left behind.  When all had been removed, the doctor gave us medication and earlier had given him a shot in case he was allergic to bees.  He was not the same little guy who had happily left with us for our 'adventure.'

We were all so wiped out after that experience, we just kept on driving home, leaving all our camping equipment there.  Hubby went back a few days later and gathered up what was left after some serious looting by someone needing equipment.  Well, at that point we just said they were welcome to it.

It's funny how I started out having no idea what to write about and the memories just overtook me.  Sometimes our memories are the best part of our lives later in life. Our little guy is no longer with us so my memories are all I have left of him.  Such sweet and funny memories they are.

Have a great day and make some memories to fall back on later.

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