Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hubby Surprised Me!

Last night I took a walk outside to see what my hubby was up to and got the surprise of my life.  While I've been in the house reading these past hot sweltering days, he's been outside building me a deck!  I couldn't believe it when I saw it.  It's under the trees and high up from the ground, it's like having a tree house but not quite. 

While sitting on the little benches he made, we talked about things we haven't mentioned to one another in ages.  It was just to nice to have a conversation.  Of course we kept getting pinged on the head by the tiny acorns falling but I can put up with that.  This fall though it will be a tad harder and we might need hard hats.

Now to find a little round patio table to put out there with a few chairs. I'll see what FreeCycle has to offer.  He's built seating all around but my butt needs something soft.  So the chair will be nice.  I'm just so surprised and amazed that this has been going on.  No wonder he was making all those trips to Home Depot.  What a sweet hubby, but I already knew that.  That's why I married him after all.

This won't be long because I have a doctor's appointment at noon with the foot doctor.  Oh how I hate having someone mess around with my feet.  Even though he's a doctor, I don't quite trust him.  He's a tad rough and I sit there with my face scrunched up when he goes for the instruments.  I'd rather do it myself but can't quite keep that leg up anymore.  I'll be cutting and then the leg slips down and it goes like that until I finally am done and give up for the time being.  And to think I used to be able to get those legs up around my neck when younger.  Those days are gone forever.

I put nuts along the wall outside and hubby just opened the door and chased the squirrels away from the bird feeders.  I guess they don't like salted mixed nuts.  Oh well, I tried to share.  Once it rains they will gobble them up in nothing flat.
I must be going so I'm not late.  Another hot sunny day so you know I will go and get right back.  Shopping for groceries first and them home.

I hope you all have a wonderful day today.  It's breezy here so tonight when I go out on my little deck, I will just soak in the fresh air and the rustling of the leaves above me.  And I'll remember not to put my head back and try to talk.  I might end up with a mouthful of baby acorns.


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