Monday, July 12, 2010

Ooops, Missed a Day

Ferns, I just love them.  I went for a short walk up in back of the house and found this cluster of rich green ferns.  Notice all the dead leaves which is the normal ground cover all year long.  You have to know that we are surrounded by trees.

Yesterday I got side tracked by a good book, Still Alice, a novel by Lisa Genova.  It is about Alzheimers and sheds a new light on the illness and the lives it effects.  It was done with love and the characters handle their mother,s illness with caring, love and attentiveness.  I just couldn't put it down and read for almost nine hours.  Hubby was out in the garage and making trips to Home Depot so I was on my own.  With supper already made and in the fridge, I had the freedom to do what I love best.

Do you remember me writing about my dream of having an owl alight on my patio chair for a visit with me?  Last night hubby came busting in the house saying, "Honey, you'll never guess what I just saw."  Then he proceeded to tell me about a huge owl out back that swooped over him and he was so excited.  The wing span amazed him as did the white under the wings.  Of course I was a bit jealous not to have seen such a beautiful creature.  Tonight I'll dose myself with Off and set a chair out in the clearing in the woods to watch for him. I'll need a  bright flashlight to find my way back, that's for sure.

Today it looks like rain and I'm so hoping it will finally happen.  We need the water for the flowers and grass.  It's been threatening rain for the past week but it just goes right past us. Our yearly Agricultural Fair was this weekend and everybody piled in the cars and went.  I was home alone again, so watched a great movie on TV.  I have no idea what the name of it is anymore.  I'll think of it after I've written my blog.  That's the way it goes...  I couldn't go to the fair because the grounds are uneven and with holes from the hooves of the animals.  I love the cows and those big brown eyes.  They are beautiful, period.  I could go during the day when I would be able to see where I'm walking, but the nighttime and lights and music is what I enjoy most so I choose to forgo the fair.  It makes it easier for hubby also and he gets to enjoy the different booths and foods without having to worry about me and my falling.  I'm such a klutz!  He nick named me 'Grace'.

Wouldn't you know it, the sun just came out.  I know it won't stay because it's fickle but I'll take whatever the day brings.  Hopefully we'll go for a ride later and I'll take my camera with me, just in case.  A good walk around the stores with a basket for balance and I'm a happy camper.  At least I get some exercise and can sit and watch the people when I get tired and need a break.  The tourists have descended upon Rhode Island in droves and the outfits they choose to shop in are unbelievable.  It just amazes me and I wonder if they have a full length mirror to check themselves out before leaving the house, beach house, etc. Oh mercy me!

I guess I'd best quit for today and get my dishes started and turn on the fans before it turns hot.  It's Monday and another week of appointments and grocery shopping.  I could live on just watermelon alone. We've gone through 2 of them this week and just yesterday hubby bought another.  He says when he comes in out of the heat the watermelon cools him off and they are so sweet at this time of year.  Me, I've got expensive tastes, big dark cherries, sweet and juicy.  My favorite fruit along with watermelon.  No, I'm not southern.

You all have a good day today.


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