Saturday, July 17, 2010

Excitement, Excitement! Finally, My Dream Has Come True

I  just can't believe it and neither will you.  Yesterday hubby was working on my hideaway and he stopped to catch his breath when he saw these large wings swoop over him.  It was an owl and it landed on a tree branch right outside my bedroom window.

I was still buried inside matching medicare bills to the actual doctor bills when I heard a rapping on the front door.  Now we never use that door because of the steps so I thought it was a salesman or the Jehovah Witnesses, but they know to come to my back door so I didn't know whether to get up and answer it or not.  Next the door bell kept ringing so I thought it was an emergency.  As I started down the stairs, I could see hubby's face peering in.  I opened the door and he told me to grab my camera quick and quietly slide the back patio door open.  He'd come in by then and he slid the door while I, with camera in hand, slowly moved onto the landing.  He told me to look to my left at the tree across from my bedroom and I nearly fell over I was so excited.  I ventured further out onto the patio and quietly walked up to it very slowly, talking quietly to it.  It didn't move, just stared at me.

I took as many pictures as I could in case this was my only chance to catch my dream on film.  When I put them on my computer screen I was beside myself.  Such beautiful birds and quite attentive to their  whereabouts.  I was amazed that it didn't fly off when I approached the tree to get a better photo.  I was in a great mood all day, just couldn't stop the adrenalin rush yet couldn't sit still and concentrate on anything else.

This morning as I sat down to write my blog, the cat came running to me, extremely agitated.  I asked her, "Do you want to eat?"  She ran like a hellion to the patio door and stood against it until I followed her.  Oh my Lord, another owl and then two!  When I went outside with my camera I walked slowly to the owl in the tree, believing the other owl flew off in order to draw my attention away from it. I thought perhaps it was its mate, it looked to big to be a baby owl.

While I stood and took pictures both upright and from the ground where I had fallen, I got some brilliant shots.  All the while cussing out my camera for not having telephoto lens.  I did the best I could though.  Here is proof.

I have always believed that an owl was my guide and have collected them for years.  This little guy is looking in son's canoe to find what is good to eat.  He had left some bait inside and this critter's eyes spied it from above.  I find it somehow strange that he perched near the name of the boat Guide.

Eagle eyes sat and staked out his territory. And this time I caught him with his eyes open and alert.  I just can't tell you what a thrill this morning has been.  To have owls show up this close and come back again, it's too much to believe.  Thirty three years here and now this.  I think it means something.  What do you think??
I just can't think of anything to say except WOW!  Hubby will have to nail my feet to the floor to keep me grounded.  You're going to get so sick of seeing my owl pictures but I'll try not to bore you with them.  Oh how I wish I had a better camera and was steadier on my feet.  You can't imagine how many photos I took in order to get some good shots.  It was all worth it though, skinned elbows and a hard land on the hip, yep, it was worth it.  Don't you agree?

Well, today is day hubby and son Jon are going to Thompson Speedway to watch the races.  They're both excited because every time son comes for a visit, he and his dad go to the races every week and sometimes twice.  It's the only chance hubby gets to go so I'm happy for him. He has so little pleasure in these later years.  You'll never hear him complain though.

Okay, my day has been made now so it's time to zoom down and tend to the dishes in the sink.  Shucks, I'm on such a high and this gal doesn't do drugs!

I hope you all have an exhilarating day and a beautiful weekend.


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