Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Bright New Day

Well, I hope they are on their way and AWAY from my patio!  I've had enough skunks to last me a while.  Cute little critters but their perfume is not tolerated here.  We cleaned up all the watermelon rinds, feed the feral cat early and bring in her dish before afternoon, and with the recent heat, have stayed indoors so haven't even checked outside to see if they visited.

It's beautiful outside at present but we are supposed to have storms again tonight.  It all depends on which station we watch on TV.  We have a severe weather alert for today from noon until 9 P.M.  That's enough to keep me within the walls of this house.  It's read a book day again.  I started a good one last night, Predator,  by Patricia Cornwall.  Once I get into her books I can't put them down.  That means I make supper this morning while it's still cool.  Chicken and macaroni salad sounds good to me and easy to fix.  I'll put them on to cook now while it's still cool in the house.  If I get engrossed in this and the water boils over then I'll have a mess to clean up and I hate to start out that way first thing in the morning.

Hubby will sleep late this morning (what's new?) and I can get a few things done.  Quiet things though.  Sometimes even the clicking of the typewriter keys wakes him up.  He can sleep through a war movie yet something so trivial will wake him.  If I play my cards right I can even get my reading in for an hour or so.  No doctor appointments (bliss) so I'm set for the day.  Hubby has his dentist appointment tomorrow and Friday I go in for my lumbar puncture.  I know I won't be up to anything after having that done.  I guess I should cook enough for a few days to hold him over.  I can see he planned ahead and bought some small cans of Ravioli and beef.  YUCK! 

I'd like to go to the beach tomorrow to watch the waves at my favorite spot.  It's on top of a hill with huge  boulders to sit on and watch everything going on below.  I used to be able to climb down and find pretty shells and star fish the waves washed upon the shore.  I've been going there since a girl when my parents would go for a drive to get ice cream, and we would always drive to my spot and watch the sunsets over the water.  Loved the sea gulls too as long as they didn't come near me.  They make a mighty mess when they fly overhead and target you. 

The cat keeps running to the door and whines so I think something is going on and foolishly get up to look.  This morning it's the squirrels and chipmunks that come up on the porch and tease her.  She is an inside cat to us, but in her mind she is a mighty hunter.  She always lets me know when the Jehovah Witnesses come in twos to witness to me.  I used to pretend I wasn't home, but lately I've even glad to see them.  They are not pushy and two I really liked.  We did talk about things in general because they knew better than to try to change my mind to their way of thinking.  Each to one's own I say. No sense in being rude.

It's time to get outside and water the flowers and the few veggies I'm trying to grow.  It's not hot out there yet but that sun is sure bright.  I love watching the cucumbers grown.  They are so tiny and cute.  What a farmer I'd make.  Cute cucumbers...

You all have a nice day and get out and do something fun before the kids are out of school.  Lunch out and great card shops are my idea of fun, but not alone.

Happy day to you.


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