Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh My, What Have I Done?!?

Yesterday I decided to end my subscription to MSN because there were so many problems with it and the connection was always ending in the middle of something whereby I had to start all over again.  Plus the bill each month was something I could do without.

I called them and opted out and they gave me 5 minutes to do any switching around that I needed to do.  I should have thought of that earlier but it just didn't sink in.  I did have the foresight to copy down the list of my favorites and the URL address but had a problem switching my contacts over.  No mater how hard I tried, it was NO GO.  Then reading up on dear MSN, it explained they had something built in that wouldn't allow the export of contacts from one service to the other.  I spent last night copying in my contact list until my eyes actually ached.  Now to learn how to get around on Yahoo and make it appear on my desktop as my shortcut.  LOL, I don't think I'll get into that today. And anyone trying to contact me at the MSN address just won't be able to get me.  At least the emails will hold off for awhile unless they have the new address.

Son will have a conniption fit when he finds out I went in and un-installed MSN and MSN Messenger.  I have a book, Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Windows XP.  I followed the directions to the letter but somehow my computer isn't cooperating.  Now to learn how to make a Web page for it.  I have to find Yahoo by going in through Explorer, something I've never used before.  I had doubts about getting to my blog and although it was a bit edgy, it did appear.  Big sigh of relief.

There's been nothing going on here for the past few days, a minor upset here and there but we managed.  Cars!!!  Grrrrrrr.  We are now without our second car but we did buy the parts and we have two shade tree mechanics always on hand to repair them.  Thank God for old cars in one way but in another, I sure wish we could afford a good used one.  Last night was two trips to the auto parts store for a catalytic converter, Mike's truck this time, and 4 pair of shocks for my '97 Chevy Blazer.  Oh, can't forget the two runs to the Pharmacy for prescriptions for hubby.

He had lab work done Monday after doctor's visit and it's the first time he walked in and actually admitted he was in intense pain all through his body. Yesterday his doctor called back with the results and told him why he's been in so much pain lately not considering the osteoarthritis which has been a given for years.  Uremic acid is high, and yes, another pill to take.  He never drinks water except in his coffee but he's going to learn  to like it.  He's on his way to kidney stones again if he doesn't get with the program.  He's had 113 since he was 17 so he knows the agony and the body remembers the pain by giving him muscle spasms just as a reminder.  The doctor says he has gout and it's affecting all his joints until he can barely walk.  He's like that Little Engine That Could, he just keeps going through the pain.

I was hoping to go to the beading store in Mystic to sit and watch what they are making.  I have so many supplies and love to make jewelry but I have shaking hands and can't do the buttons on my blouses let alone attempt something so precise as the peyote stitch.  I would love to be able to use some of my beads to make pretty earrings as gifts.  I used to make those cabochon pins with all the Lacy bead work.  I sold quite a few of them and kept two for myself.  I have a dilly of a time putting them on though so chose two jackets to adorn and that's where they will stay.

Well I'll let you off the hook because this is totally boring and I need to get outside to water the plants before the sun gets hot and burns the wet leaves.  I'll have cucumbers and summer squash at least.  The tomatoes I have yet to buy and want to try those little hangers.  Too many critters in our soil here.  Cut worms mainly.

Have a great day and do something you enjoy.  Grub work comes last is my mantra.


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