Friday, June 4, 2010

I Lost A Few Days

I've started this day off with 3 attempts to add my picture of my Korean dogwood tree, but somehow it just isn't willing to do so. I don't know why but it just isn't for some strange reason.

Anyway, I thought I'd best get something on the page because I have become lax again. Doctor's appointments, little emergencies here and there and I became distracted. Yesterday we left early in the morning for both our appointments with the pulmonary doctor and 4 hours later we had appointments with the Rheumatologist. Such excitement is our days lately. Then to fit in some grocery shopping before coming home. Of course I flopped down in the magic recliner and was out for awhile. Hubby made himself a sandwich and let me sleep. When I woke up, he was sleeping. So goes our social life.

I was quite surprised to find among the mail a request to visit a local funeral parlor to learn about final plans. I couldn't believe it, they even offered refreshments. Talk about ambulance chasing!! I tossed it but later thought, hmmm, maybe they know something I don't and I'd better take them up on the offer. Hubby's name was not included so now I am doubly perplexed.

We now have an invasion of little hoppy toads. Not even an inch big and they startle me when getting in and out of the car. They aren't frogs to me until they are large and full of bumps. That's when I find them hiding in my flower pots to get out of the sun and cool off some. That's sure caused me some frights but now I look to see if the soil is uneven. They sure come out fast when I'm watering. I still have the capacity to jump when one comes out unexpectedly when I am lost in thought and forget to watch.

We are down to one car again. Our old blazer needs a catalytic converter, exhaust pipe, recharging of the AC because the compressor won't engage, etc, etc. I know there are more things but I can't remember the names of the parts. We keep our son and grandson busy keeping old cars running because they have to last us.

Hubby brought me in a lovely red rose last night. It was one of our climbing roses and I'm surprised the bush had blooms because I no longer keep them up. Too much work and too far to haul all the water, rose food and spray bottle to keep the bugs away. We live in the woods, there is no keeping bugs away. The mock orange blossom tree is beautiful this year and I love the scent. Brings back memories of me as a girl, reaching over a neighbors fence to smell them and pick a few too.

I had to forget my camera yesterday when we were doing all the running. On the way home is a house with a real toilet, blue at that, with a fountain of water spraying high. It is the funniest sight to see and I imagine, like me, many people have stopped to take pictures. Talk about a conversation piece right in their front yard.

Well I guess I managed to put forth today but must now do the cooking. Hubby complained, sweetly though, that I never like to cook anymore. We don't grill outside so no, I don't like cooking in a hot kitchen. Will cook macaroni and make a nice salad with it. Nice fresh veggies chopped up in it and seasoned virgin olive oil should do it. Good hot or cold. What would I do without these fab recipes and right on the whole grain macaroni box.

Have an enthusiastic day people. I intend to liven up the place just in case that funeral home sends me more information. I love flowers and planting but I don't want to be planted yet!


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