Sunday, June 27, 2010

This Has Been A Hard Week to Get Through

After spending the week with doctor appointments and cleaning out drawers, art supplies, books and other nice things for Church yard sale yesterday, we found that we were without help loading it all into my car.  Hubby played strong man and did it all himself while I stood and watched, helping where I could.  Off to the church we went with me still in my muu muu.  Since it was only 730 in the morning we knew we had plenty of time and people wouldn't come streaming in until 9:30 or so.  I was safe!

We learned Wednesday that our neighbor across the street whom we have known and watched our children grow together for the past 25 or so years, hers were babies, mine teenagers, was taken to the ER with an abscessed tooth.  She walked in the hospital on her own and within minutes due to oxygen deprivation, was in a vegetative state.  Her family was in total shock and couldn't believe it. We have gone back and forth to the family, talking with them and trying to make sense of something that there is no explanation for other than when you get a sinus infection or a bad toothache, go to a doctor or dentist immediately, don't wait and put you life in danger. 

Yesterday we went shopping and bought all the fixings for a hot chicken dinner so they could have a good meal and sit together at the table.  They have been living on hope and Friday they said their goodbyes and the plug was pulled. She went quickly, thank God.  She was ready, she was at peace with her God and her going so quickly made it so much easier on the family.

We know what it's like to lose one on life support and make the decision to let them go.  My heart just breaks knowing what they have gone through this week.  Her boys only 23 and 25, and her husband have been through hell.  Tomorrow is to be her Memorial Service in their yard and all the love she put into it represented Pam and her green thumb. Also her love of nature and the beauty she created.   It is so lovely and peaceful, and Pam would rather it be there among everything and everyone she loved than a church.

After coming home, I just wanted to get my thoughts together and calm down.  It was cooler out and I doused myself with OFF to keep the mosquitoes away and began reading a book.  I haven't read a book in quite some time so it felt good to just sit on the patio in my comfy chair and read. 

I kept catching movement out of the corner of my eye and spied a tiny chipmunk scouting around for goodies.  I walked over to the bird seed barrel and scooped out a large handful and made a trail from the bins to my chair.  It wasn't  long before the critter was back, eating his way to my chair.  Would you believe that little mite actually went from sunflower seed to seed until his mouth couldn't hold anymore.  His cheeks were so puffed out.  I thought he couldn't possibly fit another in those jowls of his, but he fooled me.  He snitched up the seed at the base of my chair and was out of sight in a flash.  Well, that was fun...

I was deep into my book again and didn't notice what was next until I felt something brush my right leg. My mind went through the check list, it can't be the cat, she's inside the house, the dog went to Doggy Heaven a few weeks ago. Uneasily looking down  I saw a skunk, and not my friendly skunk.  He tried to stare me down but I just started reading again and kept him in view.  He was over by the feed cans and was eating out of the cat's dish.  I found it pretty interesting to see that paw reach out to flip the dish over so he could eat more easily from the cement patio.

He saw me watching him and made a forward movement as if to ward me off.  That old tail was straight up, a warning sign for sure.  I turned from him in my swivel chair and continued to read, all the time expecting something but not knowing exactly what.  Would you believe he came over to me and went under my chair?  I was amazed and a bit leery of what he had in mind.  Then he went under the patio table and next, (this had me in silent stitches), he dragged his bottom across the rough cement.  Oh oh, worms I guessed.  I've seen dogs do it before but never a skunk.

It seemed the perfect time for me to take my leave, so very quietly I eased myself out of the chair and walked toward my car and down the driveway.  Looking back, he was also leaving the patio but taking his time doing it.  I met my hubby coming out of the garage and I was nearly bent over with laughter.  All the watermelon rinds he's been tossing is manna to skunks.  They are vegetarian and also like fish.  Hence his enjoyment of the cat's food.   And all this time my camera was on the kitchen table waiting for our huge skunk to arrive.

Sure enough, about an hour later and just as it was getting dark here comes old Tons of Fun, wiggling down the trail and stopping to munch the watermelon we had just tossed out.  We watched as he maneuvered that big body of his down the wooden steps toward us. It seemed such a strenuous act for him.  He went under the bird feeders and ate sunflower, seeds until he was full.  I tried to take his picture but it was just too dark for my camera to get a clear shot of him.  He is mainly harmless, he never threatens us and we give him plenty of room.  But the other uninvited, Bad One, I don't want to run into again.  Too bold and he was ready to fight for his territory, MY patio with me sitting on it.  Now that is kind of ballsy if you ask me.

Have a nice weekend people and enjoy your loved ones.


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