Friday, June 11, 2010

It's Too Early For All That Racket!

This creature came in the dark of night and rested on my patio door.  This is the best picture I could get of him but at least I tried.

I was awakened this morning to the sound of a bird calling its mate.  He was on the lattice work hubby had put up for my morning glories to climb.  He was a loud little critter and by the time ten minutes had passed, I was getting a bit edgy with his  repeated calling.  It was pretty to hear at first but got to be nerve wracking after time. 

At the beginning of a headache I jumped out of bed knowing there was no shutting that bird up.  I'd had experience with the thrill of a Whippoorwill that had chosen the top of my bedroom window to nest.  I thought it was so neat and was a tad excited about it choosing MY window.  By the time the eggs hatched and little ones were on the way, I couldn't wait for peace and quiet. Talk about being driven out of one's mind!

 Right away I tracked the newcomers movements and took note of his markings.  Looking up in my trusty Roger Tory Peterson's Field Guide to Birds I was able to identify it as a Wren. He was a bit funny looking, as if his body was too long so it was decided to push his butt in, causing its tail to stick straight up.  He looked as if he had a built in rudder.  I watched his antics and thought perhaps he was injured the way he jumped from here to there.  Once his mate arrived, it became quiet for a time while he searched the ground.  I think for something dry to make their nest with.  Having rained and stormed the past three days I knew that would be a chore for the little guy. He was trying to tear my mop apart but gave up on that.  It was soaking wet from the rain last night. I'll have to see what I have here to throw outside for him to find.  Yarn, thin ribbon, straw from the broom.

All my plants will be fine for a few days.  With all the rain and still more to come, I'm afraid they might get root rot.  Root rot, say that five times quickly and see how well you do.  Just jumped up before I forgot my morning meds and while I was up, cut three rolls of fine ribbon into 6 to 8 inch strips and laid them on top a white piece of writing paper for the birds to find.  Nothing like a colorful posh nest to make the other birds jealous.

This computer is acting up again so I'm hoping It will last long enough to get this posted.  It took two tries to get on the net and now whatever I type has to catch up with the screen so I may be pressing my luck here.

Hubby is sound asleep with a warm blanket covering him.  The dampness and chill does get to one's bones.  I think I will close for now and go start a good book in the den.  That way I won't wake him up and I can settle down with a blanket too and maybe snooze a bit longer.

Have a super day, enjoy all the bird song.  This is the time of the year when they try to outdo one another and all the different calls are clear and, well yes, if attached to your house, nerve wracking.


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