Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm Playing Hookey Today

Today I have to get busy on packing boxes full of good things for our church yard sale.  I have so many nice things bought but never used and it's a sin to just let them take up space.  Somebody will be happy to walk away with their new treasures and the church will make money which they need since money is short due to our economy lately.

So it's goodbye to the toaster oven, the blender used once, the iron still in the box, I have two (who irons nowadays I was asked when I tried to give it to a friend).  Also have lots of baking needs and fancy cake pans, still in their packaging.  I'm not allowed to use the oven unsupervised anymore. Hubby puts whatever needs to go in the oven for me.  I know i will find so much more once I go downstairs and open the cabinets there.  Party supplies, etc. 

I should have a much less cluttered house once I get busy, close my eyes and just toss.  I'll never use these items and as for the cake decorating supplies, someone will pick those out pretty quick also.

I'm off to pack a box.  I will do one at a time so I don't feel overwhelmed.  Hubby will be happy with the empty shelves and more room in the garage.  We have three microwaves, all in working order.  In the box two of them go.

The North Stonington Congregational Church on Main Street will welcome all who come to the sale.  The date is June 26th and there will be something for everyone.  Furniture, appliances, sets of dishes, you name it they'll have it.  See you there!


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