Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another Sunny Day!

It is just gorgeous out and I'm so thankful.  I was growing moss as I went through one rainy day after another.

I knew there were flowers missing from my little garden.  I had planted these two years ago and noticed they were no longer where I placed them. Last year they were nowhere to be found. This year  I found them growing under my Mock Orange Blossom tree, valiantly making their way up through the rock wall.  The whole plant was there and I'm wondering how it was removed from the ground unless our flood recently moved it.  After it is through blooming I will have to dig it up and put it back where it belongs. Easier said then done.

Good news!  The bank loan went through and I am so relieved.  We've only been trying since February so getting the papers in the mail yesterday afternoon just made my day.  Forms were signed and sent back.  Attorney contacted for a closing date of June 30.  Insurance company Homeowners lien holder switched and new policy paid up for 1 year.  Now we just have to show up for the closing.  Whew, that's a lot off my mind and shoulders. God is good.

The mourning doves are flocked together adding their soft cooing sounds to the quiet of the morning.  Their song relaxes me and I love to just sit nearby in the kitchen chair and listen to them.  The blue jays hit later and they are loud when protecting their territory.  The gold finches seem to be hubby's favorite but I love my mourning doves.  It is early enough for them to find plenty to eat and without the squirrels to bother them.  They all have their own time schedule and it seems to work out just fine.  I  wish our squirrel proof feeders really were squirrel proof.  They have eaten the bottom out of every one we own and when one bold critter got the top off and climbed inside and couldn't make it out, there was one heck of a racket for quite some time.  I bravely tried to help but it fought me so I did what I had to do.  Laid the feeder on the ground and got away from there as quickly as possible. Those little buggers are mean!!

Today I go for more testing at the Neurologist's office.  Between the CAT scan, the nerve conduction tests last week and then the Autonomic testing today, I should get some kind of picture of what is going on when I see the doctor next week and he goes over everything with me.  Diabetes is nothing to fool around with I'm learning, and my love of sweets has gotten me into trouble.  I need someone here with a yardstick to crack my knuckles when I reach for something that isn't good for me.   White bread, and potatoes are no'nos also.  Anything white I'm to stay away from.  That's why I have planted yellow squash, zucchinni, and cucumbers in big planters and they are looking wonderful on my stone wall.  Now if only the animals will stay away. I will be sooo pleased when it's time to pick the bounty.  I can just imagine where those vines are going to end up.  Most likely the back yard and hubby won't be able to mow.  Oh well.  I'll fight that battle when it comes and not before.  It could be worse, I could have planted pumpkins!  My very own pumplin patch, I've always wanted one.  Maybe next year...

I'd better get showered and dressed so I can relax a little before leaving today.  I'm so glad hubby is going to drive me.  With all the road work and construction going on, that street is miserable and it's hard to find the office among all the large trucks.  The air will be blue again but I can handle that.  I can't handle trying to find a small driveway when the trucks and equipment are parked along the front of the building and blocking it.  We end up driving past it and turning around to catch it on the way back.  I should perk up, only two more weeks to go - I hope.

It's early and you have a full day to get out and do what you have to.  Enjoy your day and find the good things about it.  Don't dwell on the negatives, think of them as challenges.   My challenge is to find cherries.  For four days now our Stop and Shop has been out of them.  The gall!!!! 


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