Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Today Is Tuesday

I've started this darn post five times and each time I have the Link on.  I've tried to delete it but each time I started a new post, there it was, turned on again.  Now to learn how to get it off.  I intended to hit Insert in order to post my picture of my Morning Glories.  Aren't they beautiful? However, my finger hit the Link button by accident. I will be extra careful not to do that again.

Well, so far so good, the Link button is still highlighted but nothing has occurred so far.  Maybe I'm safe.  Earlier it asked for an URL address and I had no idea what the darn thing was asking of me.  I went to the Help site and that was no help either.  I just hope I'm not going to encounter this again on a new day.  I'll most likely tear my hair out in frustration!  Not that I have that much to lose now.

Yesterday was so hot and humid that I couldn't bear it.  We went over for the Memorial Service for my neighbor and I nearly passed out in the hot sun.  I was just dripping.  Come to find out, no service was planned, just a bunch of people who all went inside where it was cool and it was just the two of us plus another man who was outside wondering what was going on.  Hubby brought me home and I ate a cookie in case my blood sugar was low.  I can find any excuse to eat a cookie but it did help so I must have needed it.

I was in the house the rest of the day, just waiting to see if our Visitor would show up again.  Hubby was standing at the door and called to me.  He said I had started something and had better find a way to reverse my spell on our wild life.  There on the patio were THREE skunks.  The babies of course, but they weren't that small at all.  One came up to the step and put his nose to the patio door.  The cat jumped into the glass making a loud noise and the skunk let loose.  There was no way any of us were going outside for anything and I do mean anything.  The skunks were running back and forth and another joined in.  No wonder the skunk on the patio that brushed up against my leg the day before had acted so strange.  He is the new batch and they have never encountered me before.  Now the little beasts have taken over and in broad daylight.  I thought they were supposed to be nocturnal???

I opened the door an hour or so ago just to test the air.  LOL, it was okay, the stink was gone.  Today is another day though and our cat is always looking out from hubby's chair at the kitchen table, keeping watch over her domain. She is waiting to pounce but so far nothing.  Now I have to read up and find out how to stop the visits.  I usually welcome all critters but enough is enough.  I definitely won't be trying to make friends with this batch of hellions.  So bold they are.  Besides, I think I've taken enough pictures of skunks.  I even deleted some this morning.  I wish it were that easy to delete the live ones.  Nothing to hurt them, just something to scare them away.  Son works late nights on the cars in the garage and all he needs to do is to meet up with one of my critters in the dark.  He says I'm a witch and to put a spell on them.  If only it were that easy.  I'm sure in time they will come around to my way of thinking and behave themselves when here.  I sure won't be going out in the cool of the late afternoon to read my book today, and think it best to give it a few days to see how they will act.  They don't really bother me, I like watching their antics but with the cat, well, I'm asking for trouble if I go outside to read.

Shucks, with an hour and a half lost on trying to correct that Link problem, and starting a new post each time to get rid of it but for nought, I've used up my blogging time and must end for the day.  It is going to be a beautiful day and I hate staying inside.  Maybe when hubby wakes up he will want to drive to Walmart, our big social activity for seniors.  And just maybe we can stop for a small ice cream cone from Dairy Queen.  It sure doesn't take much to make me happy!

Have a beautiful day and God bless.


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