Saturday, June 19, 2010

I Lost a Day

I can't believe I lost a day. I thought today was Friday and now I find out it's Saturday. I checked my blog and sure enough, I missed yesterday. Probably because I was nursing a headache and kept falling asleep every time I stopped moving. It's still with me this morning and I was unable to insert a picture. Then the alignment wouldn't cooperate. I think I've been pushing the sweets too much and now it's caught up with me.

Oh dear, this is going to drive me crazy if it doesn't straighten out. I didn't hit center but it may be because when I tried to insert a picture, it just sent my computer bonkers. Maybe it's me who's bonkers today. Okay, I was able to put in a picture but not the one I wanted, but heck, it's there so I have to leave it that way. Who knows what will happen if I try to move it or try to get the print higher on the page. I'm having a meltdown folks. Most likely from the S'mores I made last night and ate against my better judgement.

There, I did it!  I hit cut and wiped it out and then paste at the top of the page.  Let's not do that again lady.  Talk about confused.  The picture was supposed to be of our wandering skunk, but this nosy cow insisted on taking priority.  Smile, worse things could have happened.  Besides, I wanted to post my favorite cow in one of my blogs but just didn't have anything to say about the situation.  She hasn't given me any choice today but to highlight her.  And for some reason her picture is very small.

All the cows were grazing in the neighbor farmer's field and I thought it was worth a shot or two.  When I went up to the fence to brace my arms on it to keep from shaking, this cow came over and wouldn't move.  I wasn't aiming at her but she kept insisting on being the subject matter.  So I had no choice but to honor her wishes.  I can go back another day and get pictures of the cow I chose.  Just not too much later or I might catch a calf being born.  Now that would make a great shot but not with me puking while trying to hold the camera in front of me.  I'm definitely not a farm girl.  I love the outdoors and nature, but I'm not up to watching something like that just yet.  I have a weak stomach, sorry...I'll have to ask the farmer for permission and when it's calving time, I'll get a picture of the newborn.  They are so beautiful and jump to their feet mighty fast after being born.

Tomorrow is Dutcher's birthday and it doesn't seem possible.  I have pictures all over the house of him when he was a little guy and some taken recently, but I have the best memories of when he was little and helping me plant my flowers.  He loved planting things and had his own little garden when he was about 4.

Oh the trips we took when Grampa retired and the summers we took both Dutch and Josh out west.  They loved riding horses on Uncle Reid's farm and flying over the Grand Canyon in a helicopter where they could see for miles.  It was a moment in time that they will never forget.  Their favorite state is Colorado, along with Arizona and Utah.  We spent quite some time in those areas and they really took to it.  With cowboy boots and hats, they rode the horses with the best of them.

Oh, I was lost in thought and forgot I have to take a trip to Mystic.  I just want to browse and see how much things have changed since my last visit which was years ago.  It's only about 12 miles away, but I don't jump in the car and go like I used to. Hubby just said he'd take me so I'd best get ready before he takes his offer back.  I just don't want him to complain when I spend an hour in the store looking at all the pretties.  Not to buy, just to look. It's a bead and craft shop so you know I'll be in 7th heaven.  Then I'm off to the kitchen shop to buy a new pepper grinder for hubby.  One he can't break...

Have a wonderful day all.


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