Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm Trying, Give Me Credit for That

I didn't unload my latest pictures of the past few days so I snitched this one from my friend Lisa.  I just love the background plants, the burgundy of the rose bush is a stand out! 

Yesterday we left early for a birthday brunch for grandson and it was fun to see the kids all together.  The food was good but the company better.  And the dessert was out of this world; home made cheese cakes.  OMG, they were delicious.  Now I know where to order mine for upcoming events.  The gal has started her own business and makes any kind of cheese cake you can think up.  I'm thinking apricot cheese cake. Yummm.

Last night we had our visitor again.  Hubby was just opening the patio door when he spied the visitor.  He/she was under the huge bird feeder and I believe it needs to go on a diet.  It could barely move there was so much to it.  Of course eating the sunflower seeds and the cat's food, it would tend to put on weight.  But the length of it was amazing.  I tried to go outside to snap a picture but thought better of it when hubby grabbed my arm and told me, "Don't you dare open that door.  The cat is just waiting to get outside at it."  He was right, she was in his chair just poised to pounce.  I'm sure it will be back and maybe I will get another chance at it in better light. I will  be looking for it tonight and maybe I can go out the front door and walk around the house and get a good picture of it undisturbed.

Son cooked a ham last night so we have enough for supper tonight.  I just have to make smashed potatoes and a veggie.  I say smash because that's how I do it.  Cook them in the skins, empty the water, throw in butter and cream cheese, milk,  and just smash it around before whipping them.  I've added dried dill or garlic pepper  at times to give it a little more zip.

When I went out this morning it was very early and so humid it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I was trying to water all the plants before the sun came out and I had to spray myself I was so done in by the humidity.  It was very hard to breathe and I couldn't get the hose put back together so just left it in a heap.  I don't usually do that but i was in a hurry to get inside and sit.  It's only June but it's the first day of summer and I hate to think of what July and August is going to be like. I think we will have to invest in a large air conditioner and make a hole in the side of the house so the cold air will go right down the hallway and into the den and bedrooms.  Sounds like 7th heaven.

I still haven't done much packing for the church.  I'll wait until the last two days and then throw everything in boxes without thinking, will I use this again or not?  Most likely not so why put myself through that.  Then there's all the boxes of pictures.  I think I'll leave that to the kids to sort out.  They know better than I what pictures they'd like to keep so in the boxes they'll stay.

Hubby went to the insurance company today to pay a years insurance on Home Owner's for the closing this Thursday.  I will be so thankful when it's over and done.  It will cost us less each month because of the lower interest rate.  Going to celebrate even if it's only going to the Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone.  That sounds good to me now.

Wednesday is my day to find out my results from all my tests and after that we are going to visit my favorite aunt.  I haven't been able to run like before with only one car and now that mine is repaired, my son needs it because his truck is in the garage,  It's always something.  I wouldn't know how to live any other way.  The men in my life always have their heads under a hood and I can hear the engine racing from in here.

I can't wait until son Jon arrives in two weeks.  He'll drag his dad off to the races each week and hubby will go whether he feels up to it or not.  He loves NASCAR and I put up with it because it makes him happy.  I have my ear plugs right here beside me and can just pop them in.  I just can't stand the zoom, zoom, zoom as they rush around the track.

Time to get off and take a nap in hubby's chair.  It's like my pacifier...

Take care and stay cool.


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