Sunday, June 6, 2010

Trying Again

Wow, I changed my settings to blog and was able to get my picture of the Korean Dogwood uploaded.  Patience won out!  I'm not very heavy on patience, that's something I've lacked all my life.

Yesterday was a pretty strange day.  Torrential rains early in the morning, flowers all torn to heck. 
Then the sun came out and with it stifling heat that kept me inside watching TV.  It was so hard to breathe out there and muggy as all get out.  Then while watching TV,  the news came on to say we were on a Tornado watch.  The same goes for today.  This morning sunshine, now overcast and getting darker.  I sure hope we aren't in for damage like some in the state received yesterday.  Trees blown down, hail, thunderstorms, over 5,000 people without electricity.  I'm glad hubby had the idea of protection against such and bought a generator years ago.  It's truly been a lifesaver for us.  What's with this weather anyway???

It's heartbreaking to see all the waterfowl, mired down in thick oil and dying on the beaches.  That oil is not slowing down any and all the gobs of thick oil is hard to watch floating on the surface of the sea.  This has been our worst disaster as of late.  I hope it never happens again after they get this problem capped.  Off shore drilling isn't as wonderful as they thought it to be. And now it's hurricane season with many more expected that first reported.  For us to get tornado warnings two days in a row is a first for here as far as I remember.

I'm going to go and cut some of my flowers and bring them in so I can enjoy them before they are beaten down to nothing.  The Mock Orange Blossom will make the house smell nice.

You all have a nice day and enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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