Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Other Side of Seventy

Here it is over a year later since I last wrote in my blog.  Life, health and loss got in my way. It's funny how time manages to change us so quickly and without warning.  I guess I'm better off with the 'not knowing' as I have more on my plate than I can manage now.  Oh, but others are going through the same kinds of experiences so I know I have company and you will understand where I'm at.

The animals that I delighted in no longer come to visit.  I miss them.  I haven't seen a skunk all year although hubby still keeps a sharp eye out before leaving for the garage.  We have had raids by the raccoons but that's to be expected.  I believe now having a dog in residence has helped the problem. Even the feral cats have stopped coming for handouts except for one brave little soul.

She is the grey one that we had trapped and spayed years ago because the poor thing was always having a litter and the poor kittens were out in the coldest of weather. Many we would find dead out behind the garage.  Her last litter we managed to save and the shelter took them in with the mother cat (they didn't appreciate her as she was as wild as they come.) She was carted off in a strong crate to the shelter.  Good Samaritans nursed the kittens until they came of age to place in homes.  The mother cat  we paid to have her back where she was let loose in the woods she knew as home.  It is years later and she will just now come onto to the patio late at night and wait on the lighted porch, tucked into the shadows so that we will notice her and put out food.  She will come to eat but not if we are outside.

My garden is no longer.  I plant in pots but even that I can no longer do.  I fall often and for no reason so my family told me to get in a chair and stay there.  Watching TV all day was fun at first but no longer.  I'm hoping after my back surgery I will do much better. I would like to be able to walk and pick wildflowers again.  I am a nature gal when my allergies let me.

Well, I've gone on long enough and most likely bored the lot of you.  Oh well, with the 70's the mind is no longer that sharp.  I'm writing to remember, to not lose myself in loneliness nor bitterness.  I'll stay the course.

My best wishes to all, and remember to enjoy the life you have, no matter what your situation may be. You will be an inspiration to someone fighting the same battles.


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