Sunday, September 9, 2012

Live Each Day With Joy


Whew, wicked two days.  Had to take a Vicodin for back and it didn't work. I should know better than to use a pain pill, Aleve works much better for some strange reason. Enough of that.
My son and his wife recently bought one of those pillow top mattresses and have been complaining about not getting any rest from it.  Much too soft.  Me and my aching body have been suffering on a regular firm mattress with a foam covering because I have fibromyalgia, among other things, and I hurt for hours mornings. I mentioned that we switch for a week and see if it makes any difference for them.  They agreed and last night was their first night to sleep on it. I can't wait to hear the result.  Me, I'm happy!
They came up and set up the mattress in my room and made up the bed with a nice soft quilt.  I couldn't wait to try it so after they left, I lay my poor body down and in minutes I was off to dreamland.  I awoke to the bed moving and a banging noise in my room.  You can't imagine what was going through my addled mind.  i lifted up a little and called out, "Who is in my room?" Suddenly a black head popped up and it was Bixby, my son's dog.  Evidently they had put him in the house and he came looking for me.  He never comes into my room so it really surprised me. That ended my nap for the day.
I don't know what I would do without Bixby, he is my companion and my little love bug.  Gentle, affectionate, and my shadow in short. I'm so thankful my son brought him home as a rescue. He's pit bull mix and such a loving dog. With all the love lavished on him, he should be.
As for the storm yesterday that had me on pins and needles, I finally gave up worrying about it.  I did take a shower before bedtime, just in case I got carried off in the wind, I would be found in clean clothes and presentably decent.  Remembering my little granny's admonition to always wear clean underwear in case I got in a car accident. It's crazy the things we remember in times of stress. I laugh just thinking of her, but with much love.
I am getting off the computer for today.  This white screen makes my eyes burn and I did get on and write a little.
Have a great day folks and make sure you tell the ones dear to you that you love them.

1 comment:

  1. As we love YOU....I hope your day became glorious and pain free...I tried to call you this evening 9/10 but phone no I called was DEAD..HUGS..
