Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just a Thought or Two

Like the fading roses, I come to realize that July and August have just passed me by. The house has become my prison instead of my home.  I'm praying that upcoming spine surgery will help me to get back on my feet so I can enjoy the things I used to do and do them well.  Like standing up and pushing a grocery cart without the cart having to hold me in a somewhat standing position.  Some days are better than others, depending on pain level.  This surgery is the fusion of 3 disks.  I am not in the habit of being a patient in the hospital so I hope I can  behave myself there and not do anything too...sorry, I forgot the word I wanted to use.

I mostly use the stop and go method in my blog now.  My mind stops and I search for a word and if I can't find it, well I just let the other person figure it out.  I know that's a cop out, but at seventy-two, I figure I'm allowed a little leeway. 

This morning I got up early and took my thyroid pill and then went back to bed.  I don't usually do that because if I happen to fall asleep, when I again wake up my mind is fuzzy and I can't remember whether I took my pill or not.  This morning I was quite sure because I had put new socks with foot powder in them and had left a trail on the burgundy colored carpet. It has followed me to my computer chair.  I must remember not to put the can into the socks and squeeze but once.  I had so much powder in my socks that my toes squished in it and it was the oddest sensation. 

Hubby left for PT and kissed me goodbye.  I didn't remember what for until I saw what he was wearing.  He looked liked Tweedle Dum in his sweat pants and tee shirt.  I just can't teach him to wear his shirt on the outside instead of tucked in.  Well, you can picture it in your own mind.  I'm not so blind as to not see how silly I look dressed the same.  Even his therapist tells him to pull his shirt out but he insists on showing off his girth. He will still wear white socks no matter the occasion, but I understand that because of the dye and allergic reactions to it.

Now I must give up the ghost and get ready for my appointment with the cardiologist. He has to make sure I am up for the surgery. I'm going to tell him to keep his opinions to himself and take a tongue lashing for my weight. Well, I did lose 10 pounds since my last visit. I should get brownie points for that. We'll see.

Have a great day and enjoy the new season of Autumn.  It's my favorite season of the year and big time allergy season also. Oh well, you have to take the good with the bad.


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