Friday, September 7, 2012

Blah Day, Blah Me

I woke up this morning and decided I just don't feel up to blogging.  Bad night and today sore throat and I sound like hell.  Real rough voice and hard to talk.  Hubby likes me this way.  He thinks I sound like a frog although I've never heard one speak.

I had wanted to visit with my aunt today but I know she would be leary of my presence sounding like this. I tell her she can't catch my allergies but still, even I wouldn't want to be around me sounding like this.

The picture is of the farmer's field.  It looks about like I feel so I thought it appropriate.  In summer it's so nice and green and beautiful. The more I look at it the more I feel like going back to bed.  It won, so I'm going back to bed but will first drink a cup of tea with honey. I hate days like this.

Hope you all have an interesting day.


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