Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dig In With Gusto!

I think I posted this picture  before but if I could find a picture of a porcupine it would replace the skunk.  Seems Dick, my nemesis, is still reading my blog and sending barbs with no return email address.  That's the cowards way but it takes all kinds to make up this world of ours.  With things much more serious going on, she takes to making digs about our sleeping arrangements, (hubby in the recliner with his C-Pap machine which makes it easier on him to breathe and to watch all his war movies without distressing me), and my making fun of hubby, etc.  Small things amuse small minds.  Just so you know Dick, you are permanently going in the Spam folder.  Rant over.

I noticed when I went to sneak a cup of ice cream for being good yesterday, it was all evened off on top.  Hubby is neat, I'm a slob.  I just dug in and ruined the perfect job he had done to make it nice and even.  He just laughs and if he wants it smoothed over again will do so, but more likely will follow my lead and dig in also.  Especially if there's fudge sauce or caramel going through it.

The same thing with the tooth paste tube.  When we were first married nearly 50 years ago he was in the service.  Tooth paste tube had to be just so.  You couldn't squeeze it from the middle (my style), it had to be smoothed out and turned up on the ends.  Instead of making a big deal of it, I just bought two tubes of toothpaste, different brands, and that solved that problem.  Life is too short to have such mundane things frustrating us.  I did what I thought to be the most simple way of solving what could have rankled our mornings.

For someone who is so neat, he can hardly ever find where he left things.  He hunts and hunts and usually one of the sons comes in with his special coffee cup or flashlight that he left in the garage.  Meanwhile I'm searching for his glasses, book, etc.  The cat can't be blamed for any of this, she is an innocent bystander.  He just does things while thinking of a dozen other things he wants to do and lays items down in the oddest of places.  Come to think of it, I seem to be doing the same thing lately.  Hmmm, too much going on I think?  It certainly can't be age!  It must be contagious.

I have always handled all the bills and taxes because he hates dealing with paperwork.  Since I was a secretary for 28 years, he seemed to think I would take that off his hands.  As messy as I am at home, I can find almost immediately what I'm looking for in all my stashed piles.  If I ever get them all sorted, the roof will probably come down on me.  So we make do and he is happy to let me.  I'm not always happy with the responsibility and have started to show him how to find things I've filed away, just in case.  It goes in one ear and out the other.  His response is usually, "Honey, you'll live longer than I will so you keep  handling it."  Okay, I didn't know I came with a date stamped on me as to when I will die, but he knows so I will continue, keeping extra copies of everything important in a double file so my son can find it when needed.

We all have our weak areas and our strong points.  We know what ours are so we work out fine as a team.  It's not worth arguing about so we made a deal a very long time ago.  If we decided to divorce, whomever chose to leave the marriage had to take the three kids.  I think that is the glue that held us together. Smile.  Actually it was ' learning to give and take and never go to bed angry.' Also hard work and a lot of love which shows in our way with one another.  Our children all grew up loving and able to show it.  We get hugged and kissed no matter who is around.  Affection abounds in our marriage and no matter what comes along, we will face it together.

Have a great day people. Express your love every day in some small way. It counts far more than you realize.  Regrets later are hard to live with.


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