Sunday, August 22, 2010

What a Great Morning!

It's pouring out, I finished my two cherry cheese cakes and now I can sit down and rest.  I tried to add a caption to this picture but once I did, i couldn't get back to where I needed to write my blog so this will have to do.

This picture came to me in an e-mail this morning and I just fell in love with it.  I hope I'm not breaking any rules by using it.  I have never seen such a friendly blue jay before have you?  Chipmunks yes, but birds no.  Except for that pesty little hummer who thought my red cereal bowl I was eating from while on the patio was a pot of flowers, and he kept sweeping past my cheek.  It sounded like a huge bee and I swatted at it.  It was much faster than I so I didn't hurt him.

I can hear my sons and hubby downstairs on the patio talking away.  I try not to listen but they all talk so loud from working around machinery all their lives.  If it has a plug, makes lots of noise and cuts, welds or other things along those lines, they have done it.  They all like to work with their hands and are not the white collar type at all.  Their dad and I are the same, hated school and remembering all those dates we never use now,  and sentence structure, don't even go there.  My son says I can write and know where to start a paragraph, put commas, and on and on.  I only passed English because I loved to write and was told  by my English teacher that she didn't know how I did it.  Neither do I but I have to put my feelings on paper so this is what I have always done.

The sound of the pouring rain is wonderful.  Even the leaves on the trees are dancing with joy.  I'm glad I chose yesterday to go out and take some pictures of nearby scenery and wildflowers growing alongside the roads.  Chicory, brown eyed susan, Milkweed and Queen Anne's Lace.  All weeds but beautiful to me.  I just wish I could tramp through the swamp land and get the flowers that grow there. That;s never going to happen!

I'm getting the wants, you know what I mean.  With those cheese cakes sitting in the fridge, it calls for some tasting.  Just to see if they came out good.  If I put a finger in for a little bitty taste, the cherries on top would cover it up so they wouldn't know I cheated.  I know I should have given in and licked the bowl!

Well, it's time to get off the computer now and pray this post turns out okay.  There's still that little dot on the screen showing where the caption was supposed to go.  I'll just go with the flow today and take the chance.  At least I wrote  when I wanted to take the day off and sort mail.  Now that's what I call a fun day!  Once a secretary, always a secretary...

You all have a great day and whatever your weather, enjoy it anyway.


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