Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Rules Are Driving Me Crazy

I had to use this picture of sunshine on the ferns because it cheers me up and right now I need it.

I tried for two hours to get onto my blog site but they kept telling me I wasn't in their system and needed a Google account.  I tried filling out everything but they didn't like my email address, said it didn't match the sign in address.  Needless to say, I said to heck with it.  After getting all twitterpated, before taking my shower decided just for the he** of it to try  once more and got in with no problem.  They are giving me one heck of a run since they changed things around.  I also found they had put comments to the blogs in the spam file and I had to delete them.  They already had but I had to get all the comments out of the spam box.  Please, no more grand updates to the blogger account or I'm going to just give it all up. I also must find a new word to replace 'heck' as I tend to overuse it.

Last night it was beautiful, left all the windows and doors open for the fresh air.  This morning it is muggy again so the poor little AC in the back bedroom is on and with fans, trying to push some of the cold air my way.

My blogging time has been used up and now must dress and run errands and send package to great granddaughters in Colorado.  Then I have bills to make out and my handwriting has gotten so bad that even I can't read it.

I did manage  to pick two nice cukes and two zucchinis from my potted plants.  It's the only way I can do it to keep the moles from getting to them.  I can't believe how many critters we have here and can watch daily as they make their way to scavenge from the bird feeders to the feral cat's dish.  The little ground squirrels are so cute and quick.

Well, have to run now.

You all have a wonderful day.


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