Wednesday, August 18, 2010

She's Back...

Well, since this is the first day I'm feeling human again, I thought I would write a little bit and get back in the saddle for a short time.

Illness has favorites but I'd like a little time off to get back on my feet before going around again.  My gram used to tell me when I was young, that I must have done something bad and was being punished for it.  No such thing and I hope nobody else grows up always feeling they must have done something to cause it.  Talk about laying on guilt.

In the two and a half weeks it took me to get over all this, the leaves have changed color and my yard is full of yellow leaves from the birch trees and the red and green of the maples.  Wow, where have I been all this time?  You don't really want to know.  All I know is I now start physical therapy to help with my balance and vertigo.  I'm hoping for the best.

This picture at top was the last of the Mohicans as far as new photos are concerned.  I wasn't able to get out and take new pictures so will have to dig out some of the older ones from Photobucket.  I have many of deer that came to feed during the winter.  Beautiful animals, now we have the skunks to contend with.  Mama and three babies which after all this time are probably not babies any longer. 

As far as excitement, there isn't any except for my fight with the insurance company who won't pay a claim for my hubby's cataract surgery.  Would you believe that after talking with two gals at the hospital and one at the Pfizer supplemental insurance which we pay monthly for, they are still denying the claim.  It seems the hospital put all the right codes in but the supplemental insurance which is refusing claim, listed it as an Infertility Claim!  I will call again today to see if they can get their ducks in order and stop this foolishness. 

I called them while sick and just couldn't handle it.  They have the right coding but someone there was in dire need of a vacation.  How they got Infertility out of cataract surgery is beyond me and their latest letter of denial is going to get a reply that won't please them.  They can easily find out who the dummy was who  handled the claim and hash it over with him/her as to how they goofed up a perfectly legal claim.  This is not the first time either, they did the same thing when he had his first eye done in December only they admitted they made a mistake and it would be taken care of.  Oh well, if this is what I have to look forward to with old age, I'd better get on the ball and keep dates, notes, etc. on all the claims.  At least we can laugh about it.

That's the news so far.  Nothing much but at least I'm trying here.  Hubby will probably appreciate home cooked meals again.  He hasn't complained and what little I did he appreciated.  One night he went out and bought supper and I really loved the side order of fish.  He doesn't like it so I buy a side order instead of with the chips and cole slaw and I get three nice pieces of fish which I can make last me three meals.  Can't pig out with Diabetes now so this is the only way I can get my fish, and it tastes so much better than mine done in the broiler or in the microwave.  I know, fried and breaded but I have to cheat once in awhile.

Okay, my eyes are crossing so will quit for now and go back to bed for a nap.  I say that but I know it won't happen.

Have a nice day and take care of those you love.


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