Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I should Be In Bed Sleeping

A very early Good Morning to you.

It is pretty dark outside and very quiet.  It is also very quiet in the house at this time and I hear the fridge kicking in to make ice, also the humming of the overhead kitchen fan.  I woke up twice and found I couldn't go back to sleep so took an antihistamine pill for this awful itching from an allergic reaction to a new med for tremors.  I won't be taking any more of them, that's for sure.

I like the fact that there is no TV blaring news of the latest killings, the senseless drunk driver accidents, leaving victims in their wake. It's gotten so I don't turn on the news but flip past it when it comes on.  It makes me too upset and when children are involved, well that brings on anger.  I don't like being an angry person but have reached my limit with our News stations way of repeating the gory details over and over again.  What's with people nowadays?  Have we turned into mindless killing machines.  It seems so lately and I don't want to watch it.  So I pick up a book or go out to the patio just to listen to the birds, and watch my critters.

Yesterday the little owl came back and I took four beautiful snapshots of him.  I got up real close to him and he didn't fly away but chattered when I talked to him gently.  He was probably telling me to 'beat it lady, you're bothering me.'  When I went to load the photos to my computer it wouldn't do so.  Mainly because my battery gave out and when I replaced it, didn't set the date.  They are on my camera but I just can't do anything with them.  I am hoping someone at Wal-Mart's camera department can help me.  They are the best and most clear pictures of owls I've taken yet, so yes, I am a bit upset with myself.

Today is my day to run errands.  Hubby wants to cut down dead tree branches with the new thingamajig he just bought so now it's more of a toy and he is happy to be accomplishing something with all the dead branches on our trees.  Gypsy moths must have gotten to them because the leaves at the tops are all chewed away and look mangy.

Anyway, I can do some little things I enjoy which I can't do with hubby.  He hates to browse and I hate to ask him. I enjoy getting off to myself once in awhile to visit thrift shops, since our social life is doctor's and dentist's visits and lab work.  Today will be a nice change from that.  I get to go to the post office, bank, pharmacy for his prescriptions, and grocery store. Now doesn't that sound like fun?  I'll find something to do to occupy my time.

Gee, now that I have the morning to myself, I don't know what to do first. I think it best that I get showered and dressed first.  I certainly can't go running in my nightgown.  And I must wait until the stores open which will be hours.

You all have a wonderful day.


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