Saturday, August 21, 2010

Whine, Whine, Whine

Good Morning,

So much has happened and so little time to write.

I'm feeling mighty achy after falling yesterday.  Then I went to PT and was told my vertigo which I have been battling for years can be helped by PT.  That's right, it's called B.P.P.V.  In other words, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. It's the degeneration of the salt-like crystals (otoliths) in the utricle which break free and float into or attach to the semicircular canals.  Symptoms include attacks of vertigo with rapid, pitched motion, e.g., rolling in or out of bed or simply looking up. And it can be cured without medication.  Therefore all the falling.  I told people I didn't drink!

Okay, I've been trying to remember all that's happened that matters for the past three days and my mind is a blank.  Not unusual.  However, I do remember last night and the hellacious racket caused by our cat, Alley, and the baby skunk at the back door.  The cat went streaking out of the kitchen and hid somewhere.  I didn't smell the usual scent of trouble so I turned off the TV and watched my hubby sleep. I was content just to watch him. 

This morning I caught a whiff and became instantly awake.  Skunk!  Alley was asleep curled up beside me.  News, she got sprayed last night by the small critter so it wasn't as strong.  She has been licking her tail and hind quarters and I think I'll let her do her own thing.  Maybe this way she will learn.  I couldn't see starting off my day trying to fight a cat who hates water and getting badly clawed up in the end.  She doesn't have it that bad so I can stand her.  The others can't really smell it.  However bed has to be stripped and blanket and sheets washed,  AGAIN.  I just put them on two days ago.

Kert's been shoveling gravel for the driveway and I watch with my heart in my throat.  He pulled a smoothie and used the small home made plow to try to level the pile down  some.  He did a pretty good job too.  The rest he will do today when Jon comes home to help him.  Then he'll order another truck load.
Our flooding rains really did a number on the driveway and the back of the garage was on its way over the embankment.  That has been taken care of.  For now anyway.

I want to go out in my car for a short drive to the bank and stop and take pictures of the wildflowers while I can.  Especially the beautiful powder blue Chicory.  It's what they mix in with the coffee beans to make coffee.  See, you learned something new today.  I took pictures of the small stream with a beautiful tall red flower and caught the reflection of the water by accident.  Most of my pictures are accidents nowadays.  Tremors and my camera isn't tremor proof.  I am paying more attention to my instruction book and discovered I can put it on a certain setting and take 4 pictures in sequence.  I've only had the camera for 3 years now and just had my eyes opened.  When in doubt, read the directions.  How many times in my life have I heard that one?

Well, since I can drive with no problem, I'm going to make my run to the bank and then find something pretty to snap a photo of.  I need new pictures for my blog.

You all have a nice day and since it's the weekend, relax.


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