Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Well, I Did Ask For Rain

What a week!  I planted all my flowers and now they are drowning from rain.  It doesn't look like it will let up anytime soon either.  This morning, between raindrops, I scurried out and pulled all my planters off the stone wall and set them closer to the house under the overhang.  I didn't want them to get root rot and die.  Root rot.  Say that quickly 3 times.  Faster.  Yep, I got the same result. Now I need to pop two Aleve and hope it helps my back.  Water logged planters are heavy!!

This little pretty above was given to me by a friend and I just love her.  Especially her rain bonnet.  All our critters are quickly darting about except for the birds.  That's because the squirrels have raided the feeders, now one is broken and the others need refilling.  During a dry spell this morning I will dart out and fill them.  At the moment the birds are stealing from the feral cats' dish. They look like little dive bombers as they quickly take turns stealing the coveted goodies.

I must remember to buy cheaper cat food for outside critters. It's getting to the point that the queen (inside cat and royal highness) is getting finicky so the feral cats are eating Fancy Feast beef and gravy plus the dry cat food.  Little Miss Priss just doesn't like it at all for some reason.  Naturally that is the kind I bought the most of.  She is also turning up her nose at her Deli Cat dry food.  Hmmm, she does eat cantaloupe (no kidding) and also enjoys the inside of the banana peel.  I wonder if she is going vegan on me.

The skunks, yes we have four and that's quite enough, continue to come to the cats dish to clean out whatever is left.  They nudge the bowl until it tips over and then they dine from the patio.  The two raccoons come to visit often also but they actually run away when I go out to shoo them off.  We also have one opossum and after seeing it up close and often, they really aren't all that ugly.

Well, that's it for today.  There's nothing exciting to write about anyway, and you certainly don't want to read about my aches and pains, and how some serious side effects from a medication has laid me low the past few days.  I've been a real harridan and to save my marriage and my mind, have gone off Sevella, prescribed for Fibromyalgia and arthritis pain. 

I send you good wishes for the additional rainy days to come.  It looks as if we'll be socked in for quite a while.  Thankfully we are not suffering the flooding and loss many of our states are facing.  God bless them and protect them.  My heart goes out to them for all they have lost and will continue to lose.  It seems as if our heavens are angry with Mother Earth. Do you not feel the same?

Good thoughts and hugs to you.  

1 comment:

  1. I haven't taken the time lately to "smell the roses." I am now inspired
