Thursday, May 19, 2011

Do I Dare

try to write something this morning that makes sense on so little sleep the past few nights? 

With all this rain, my grandson had to use his new bike to get back and forth to work.  He tried driving his truck but with two breakdowns in one night and his granddad having to go out at 3 the pouring rain to help him make it home was something we thought we wouldn't have to go through anymore since our sons are now grown and have sons of their own.

Once I heard the vehicles pull into the driveway after a few hours, I didn't even wait to ask, I just rolled over, put the pillow over my head and aimed for sleep.  Sometimes it's best not to ask questions. Suffice it to say they were like drowned rats and not too happy.

Yesterday when driving to an appointment to have my neck and back cracked, the 'Service Engine Light Soon' came on again and hubby said, "Keep driving."  Well, I did and now the car smells to high heaven.  We burned something up but the car is so old and we (not me), have put so much work and replacement parts into it, that hubby thinks we will just drive it into the ground and then use our other old car waiting in the wings for just such an occasion.  We seem to have too many old cars in our driveway to suit me.  All 1997 Chevy's, and lord help me if I should say anything bad about our vehicles in front of hubby or son.  They seem to think Chevys are tops! Son's is the same year plus grandson's.  No wonder they are always breaking down. Oops, that's downing the vehicles.

Last night I was up until 3:20 this morning trying to clean out my computer.  I had started it at 7:30 after getting home from grocery shopping.  No more accepting emails with attachments for me.  Of course it could have been from the power losses and lightening strikes or whatever happens in the great somewhere that caused it.  My computer just refused to do the security scans.  This morning it is working fine and the scans went perfectly. BIG sigh of relief.

Well, I really didn't expect to get this far but since I have, I think I will close for the day and go back to bed.  More rain today so I won't miss anything exciting. Wishing you all a better day than yesterday and maybe there will be sunshine for us tomorrow. I did say maybe.


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