Monday, May 9, 2011

The After Effects of Mother's Day

Good morning, and a beautiful morning it is.

When I sit down to write in my blog, I have no idea of what I'm going to say and what comes out is just by chance.  However, this morning with my face all swollen and my jowls hanging, eyes about to bug out, I feel like Miss Piggy.

Yesterday, for Mother's Day, my hubby took me shopping for plants to make my flower boxes for the stone wall which is the only place I can now reach in order to water and care for the soon to be flowers.  We went to 4 different places, buying here and there as certain beauties caught my fancy.  Jacob's Ladder was one I had never seen before and is a perennial so I bought three just in case one or more died on me. I hope I still have my green thumb though because buying plants and flowers can be expensive.  And then there's the cost of the soil!

I had asked my son to buy me 'dirt' for my planters for Mother's Day.  On that day I was looking forward to enjoying putting my hands in the warm soil and getting busy on my planting.  Well, he and his wife bought me a beautiful flower arrangement, a sunflower flag to put on my house, and yes, two bags of soil.  He said there was no way he was going to just buy me dirt because when the guys at work asked him what he bought his mom, he would have been embarrassed to say 'dirt'!  LOL, I do love that man I gave birth to, but sometimes he just has me in stitches with laughter.

To finish what I started, hubby and I came home with plants galore and more 'dirt'.  This morning I am paying for it because I forgot to take my allergy pill.  Now I look like a real beauty,  eyes are swollen and so scratchy that I have decided to just bring all the plants and planters out of the car and leave them for a few days, although I'm just itching to get started.  To be sure I won't miss taking my allergy pill this morning!

Now I must get busy on all the paper work I have waiting for me.  Years and years of hospital bills, records that were important at the time, and I've gone back to year 1992 so far.  So the flowers will wait and maybe I can unearth my kitchen table again so we can finally eat off it, and also put my lovely flower arrangement in the middle to add some color. I so long for that to be accomplished.

Wishing you a beautiful day.  May you know laughter and love.


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