Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cloudy, Cool and Rain Soon

This worn out critter seems to be my twin this morning.  No sleep, trying to keep my eyes open and my legs steady.  I have already walked into walls this morning so am looking forward to an adventurous day.  Anything can happen!

I mashed up fresh strawberries and bought a delicious butter pound cake last night.  We are going to visit my Aunt today and take her out for brunch.  I figured we could have the strawberry shortcake for dessert when we get back to her house.  I just have to make a quick stop to buy the whipping cream. I will be very careful not to walk into any doors or displays in the grocery store.  This imbalance goes along with the allergies and hopefully once it rains the pollen will go down a bit.

It really is a sad looking day out there today.  I'll have to make sure I take a very quick cat nap when I get off the computer, even if it's an hour I'm sure it will help.  I just feel like Gumby, you have to move my legs in order for me to go forward and hold on tight so I don't fall over.  My aunt is going to be sooo proud of me if I do something to embarrass her at  her favorite eating spot.

Well, the shower calls and I have to dig out my best looking sweats to wear.  It's cold out there and damp too, so the old bones don't like it. Maybe tomorrow will be much better and I can make up all my planters.  That will make me smile! 

I'm wishing everyone a sunny day even though the sun is nowhere to be seen.  It's inside that counts and mine is telling me I'm going to have a great day no matter what the weather.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Joyce,
    I hope as I am writing this, that you are enjoying your strawberry dessert with your Aunt!

    I have had a very busy week. Accordingly my body is letting me know that it needs a day off and it best be today!
    The only good thing I can say about our
    dreary, chilly weather is that it is conducive to recliner and blanket time with a hot cup of tea by my side.
    I am too foggy to read and make sense of anything so I am going to turn to something mindless on t.v..

    Here's hoping for a warmer, sunnier tomorrow so you can work on your planters and I can do some puttering outside.

