Saturday, May 21, 2011

Shoot, It's Raining Again!

Okay, now this is the 4th time I've tried to post this morning and I'm getting mighty vexed.  Has the rain screwed up my computer, is there gremlins at work or is it just me??

I should remember word by word what I last wrote but the mind is a bit soggy from all the water pouring forth from the sky.  I can just feel the mold growing on me as I sit here.  By the time I'm done I will look like the Swamp Man with all the long green vines hanging from his body.  I think you call it the Creeping Crud.

Yesterday we were deluged by a wonderful snowfall from the Cottonwood trees.  It seems we live in the valley of Cottonwoods and to see all the white fuzz drifting from the tree tops as if on a wave of sea foam was a delightful sight.  Fuzz was all over the place and it was wreaking havoc on my nose.  Sneeze after sneeze, but I didn't want to miss it so I stayed out and arranged my planters on the wall while the fuzz landed among the flowers.  The whole thing lasted a few hours and then was suddenly gone.  We were mystified until I telephoned the college nearby and asked what was going on.  Interesting and amazing information.  I'm glad I didn't miss the show. It just proved that I am never too old to learn new things.  Now if only I could remember them...

Hopefully my mood will change from that little critter above and I can enjoy the day, rain or shine.  As long as there is no thunder and lightening to go along with the rain, I will be a happy camper.

Have a great day and remember to reach out and touch someone.  I know we all have a person who looks forward to hearing or seeing from  us. 


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