Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I wasn't going to post this morning but I had to write and tell you about my surprise. Late yesterday afternoon, my grandson came in and mumbled something about flowers. He was in a hurry to get to work and I didn't quite catch what he said except for the word 'flowers'. My curiosity moved me from my chair where I was relaxing , to the glass patio door. Imagine my surprise to see four beautiful pots of my favorite colored flowers. Mauve, blue, white and the silvery lavender. There was also a beautiful hanging plant of rose impatiens, white and deep fuchsia. When I asked again where they came from he replied, "My mom, she read your blog and knew how much flowers meant to you so she sent you these." I am so delighted with the thoughtfulness of my friend Kim, yet a little bit overwhelmed also. Good things happen when you least expect it! Kim, if you are reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I so appreciate your kindness and your choice of flowers.
Hubby is on his way to buy some Miracle Grow potting soil and I will get busy and pot them tomorrow in a large planter. Today just sitting outside for a few minutes admiring my flowers, has got my allergies acting up. My eyes feel like I have sand in them. I can't wait to get my hands into the dirt and arrange my flowers. I move them around until I get the perfect effect and then plant them. So I have something wonderful to look forward to early tomorrow morning while hubby sleeps.
Today is going to be a lazy day. Vacuuming and dishes and that will do me in. No cooking, I already made a meat loaf and we can make sloppy joes or just meat loaf sandwiches. I need things from the market but don't want to fight the crowds buying for the holiday weekend and we have enough to hold us over. I try to stay away from the crazies in a big rush to get where they are going while talking on their cell phones. During this busy weekend, I'm not taking any chances. It's Memorial Day Weekend and I don't want to end up a memory before my time.
I want to share with you a writing by Joyce Sequichie Hifler, from the book, A Cherokee Feast of Days, Vol. II, Daily Meditations
"Real power is often just knowing when to keep our mouths shut. We have so much we want to say and so many to say it to that it is almost impossible to stay silent.
But silence teaches in a way that nothing else can. The mind makes deep adjustments in the quiet times. True laughter bubbles up from humor too precious for words - and brings with it a joy that dissolves disappointment.
Real mind-changing power is of the spirit and can clear a path a mile wide through pain. The human spirit fights valiantly, and when it is blended with this power, it comes out like a tiger."
With those words I will leave you. Live, love and laugh.

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