Due to computer problems yesterday, I was unable to connect with the Internet and spent two hours trying to figure out the problem. By the time I was able to get on, my oomph left me and I thought I'd just skip my blog and go outside while it was cool and finish up my planting.
I don't know what I was thinking when I picked out the huge planters and had to use all the Miracle Grow Potting Soil hubby bought me. He purchased two large bags and still it wasn't enough. One more bag should do it and then I'll plant the summer squash, cucumbers and zucchini. I have no place to put them so will just sit the planters on the back wall and watch them grow. If the animals stay away maybe we'll have fresh vegetables this summer. When hubby gets up he can help me to lift the pots of flowers and place them where they will be seen to the best advantage. I usually move them around several times before I'm satisfied. He knows this and is prepared. Smile...
The last few weeks have been blue for me. Memories got in the way and I didn't feel up to doing anything that required getting dressed. Picture me as just a muu muu and white socks... My sister had come for a visit from Colorado to spend Mother's Dau with me and I just didn't get enough time with her. I've been missing her and I'm a bit mopey knowing I won't see her again for years. Living so far away from her I missed out on her children growing up and getting to be an aunt who was fun to be with. She had a busy career, nursing, law school and a practice of her own. She moves like a 20 year old while I try to stay up with her with my jerky way of walking and looking like her mother. Oh well, life doesn't always work out the way we want and we have to suck it up and do the best we can.
Germany was on my mind this morning and my boys, the first one going there to spend his first birthday with his daddy. Getting pregnant with my second son and having him in a hospital in Stuttgart, run by nuns. That's such a nice memory. My first was born in Ft. Carson, Colorado and that experience was a different story completely. Then my third, I am sure drinking the water in Germany caused it. He was born just a year and nine days after his brother. To say I had my hands full is an understatement.
It rained last night and now the sun is shining on the leaves of the trees and they sparkle as if dusted with diamonds. Some so brilliant it almost hurts the eyes to focus on them. In contrast are the huge tree trunks, their bark dark, rough and mottled with age. I am surrounded by trees on all sides. My fortress and I love it.
Son and his wife had to have their dog put to sleep two days ago and they are taking it hard. To have an animal for years and then the loss, it takes time to grieve and even harder to act happy. It's their anniversary today and I hate to say Happy Anniversary when I know they are hurting.
i know this post is all garbled but that's just the way my mind is functioning today. Tomorrow I will be going crazy trying to pick up the house and get all the papers off my kitchen table for when the appraiser comes. I just had them all filed and the table clear when I needed to drag out all kinds of papers necessary for the bank and after all these years it is a real challenge to remember where everything is located. In files yes, but where did I put the files? The incoming mail hasn't helped any either. Oh to have some help. If only I had one daughter...
I think I'm going to close for now and go outside on the patio with a cup of coffee and enjoy the surroundings. Everyday I spy something new and wonderful. Yesterday son found a copperhead snake in the driveway and killed it. The markings on it were beautiful and I studied it awhile before picking it up and tossing it in the woods. I usually leave them alone but now they crawl out of the stone walls onto the front lawn and son and hubby are out mowing and trimming.
Okay, time to log out. I'm at the point where I'm just rambling anyway, but come to think of it, that's what I do everyday.
Enjoy the weekend and don't forget to visit the graves of your loved ones if they are near. I think that is what Memorial Day is all about. A day to show love and respect and to remember. After they are gone, our memories are all we have left.
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