Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Another Beautiful Day So Far

The sun is shining brightly again today. It sure makes the day worth getting up and getting busy. Yesterday was certainly a hectic day and I have to admit to sleeping most of it away.
I went to the hospital to have blood drawn and like a good girl, drank my 32 ounces of water. Yes I lost it all once I got there but we knew that didn't we? As for the vials of blood drawn, I was expecting maybe 7 at the most. Would you believe 19? This doctor is thorough and is definitely looking for something. Even vitamin deficiencies. They used both hands and then again on the left one. My arms they gave up on so it's better in the hands.
Afterward I came home and just wanted to eat and drink something. That's all I wanted, but the phone doth ring. I couldn't believe it was the lab and they wanted us to drive back so they could do two more vials. By this time I was like a paper doll, just folding at the knees. Seems two of the vials weren't done in the time they should have been since the lab worker just put one on ice and all the others in a bag. Two got damaged was the first story they told me. The nurse who drew the blood told me the truth and apologized. Well, sometimes things just happen, but I certainly didn't need for it to be me. I donated enough!
After we got home, I sat in hubby's chair and fell asleep. I conked out for over 6 hours, past supper time, medications, the works. It was 12:30 a.m. and I wasn't about to try to play catch up.
I did take a little walk to the end of my driveway to calm down some when first arriving back home. I did lots of looking under the hemlock trees to see if I could find anything new growing. We used to have Lady Slippers and Jack-in-the Pulpits growing here but that was long ago. Imagine my delight to spy two Lady Slippers still with us. It made my day!!
Today I must go out and plant the rest of my Morning Glories and try to stick a cucumber plant somewhere in the vast forest behind my house. I have very little yard but thousands of trees and now with all the different species clothed in myriad shades of green, it's beautiful to look past my prized Clematis and see all that gorgeous blending of varying hues of a color we simply call green. I love the forest and the pines, the Hemlocks smell delicious.
Simple things make me happy. As hubby used to say, "You're a cheap date." Didn't take much to keep me content. A scenic drive, an ice cream cone or my favorite, lunch at Friendly's.
I'll never change. I'll enjoy the beauty that is free for all eyes to see. I just wish those with blinders would learn the best things in life cost not a cent and are gifts from our Creator. As the songs says, 'Everything is beautiful, in it's own way.' So stop now and marvel at the earth's gifts to us. You won't regret it. It will give your heart a lift, and you may even break out in song.
Have a super day and do something to help the earth. I say
Save the Dandelions! They don't have to be planted, their happy yellow heads are cheerful, they have a sweet scent, and when they pass, their little seeds blow in the breeze, here, there and everywhere. Forget those perfect lawns and the chemicals used to keep them that way. Look at them as little angels seeking someone to land upon and bless. It helps to lower the blood pressure.

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