Sunday, May 23, 2010

Here it is, day number two, and although there is a lack of sunshine and the eyes feel like they've been glued, I'm eager to go look at plants soon. I can't bear to look outside and see the lack of my huge planters on my stone wall, just brimming with joyful color.
It seems strange to say but I've been missing my colorful display this year, and while coming upstairs yesterday with a laundry basket, one stair at a time, I got to the top and landed on a huge jar of change we'd been saving. The top was loose because we throw our change in there every day and the money went everywhere. Alert, alert, alert went my brain. Money for flowers, money for flowers. So we are off to the bank Monday to turn in all our change. However, today is the day I go looking at the nursery because it is cool and dreary out, just the kind of day I like to look for flowers. No bees to contend with and cool enough to plant what I buy.
Yesterday I actually went outside and dug up the soil for easy planting. OMG, I pulled up some huge Pink Mullein only to have thousands of ants burst forth and they were all over me before I knew it. I had to spray because the eggs under there were an amazing amount. I have never had that experience before and it ended all my enthusiasm for the day. It just gave me the shivers and I felt itchy all over. Shower time!
After having my CAT scan done at the hospital, we went shopping. I should say I went shopping because hubby was in close proximity to a pizza place so he went in and ate and then fell alseep in the car, while I looked for a new pepper grinder. No matter how much I've spent in the past, hubby keeps breaking them. Also it was always a fight to take it apart to fill it. Having no luck, the Kitchen Shop in Mystic Village is our next journey. After my flowers of course.
Well, I should get going so I can beat the rain and get some plants to pot for my stone walls. I won't be happy until I do so why drag my feet? It's going to rain and today and I want to be gone and back before it does.
Wishing everyone a relaxing Sunday. Enjoy!

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