Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Where Did the Time Go??

I can't believe all the time that has passed, and when I think back, I realize I have spent most of my time resting. I've had a bug I just couldn't shake and it got the best of me.
Today I went with my hubby to the hospital for his eye surgery and when we got there, we were told that the surgery couldn't be done because the machine was broke and all patients were called or sent home. Lucky us, we lived the furthest away and by the time they got to our name on the list, we were already there.
It wasn't a complete loss. The nurse told me to get myself to the clinic. I sounded like Gravel Gertie (old timers would remember that gal in the Dick Tracy comics) so we did and I've been walking around with pneumonia and got a chewing out by my doctor. Just goes to show how much some of us pay attention to our body when it seems to be screaming at us. My prescription for 10 days was $157.80 at one pill a day. By the end of that 10 days I'd better feel like Super Woman!
Winter is definitely here again. The feral cat is back and less timid than last year. She actually sits on the patio and moves closer and closer until we can see her and get her food out to her. She is losing her trust issues and we must fight our cat to keep her from getting out the door to tear into our orphan. That happened once and the noise coming out of our dainty little beauty was unbelievable. We were both intimidated by our precious. Now we take precautions before opening the door and letting loose a hellion.
We had to say goodbye to our furnace in the garage. We had it cleaned and tuned Friday to the tune of $132 and Saturday night it kicked the bucket. I think 40 years was a pretty good record for it but after all the cars, truck breakdowns and trying to find parts for older vehicles, we've had quite a run of bad luck.
I just found my Christmas cards so they will be late this year. I was going in for surgery the day before Thanksgiving and wanted my cards all ready for me to fill out and send by the 8th of December. With hubby's first cataract surgery December 2nd, and another scheduled for today, I just lost my mind evidently and tore my bedroom apart looking for those darn cards.
I know I had them and had put them in a place that I would easily remember. Where was my mind when I went off on a tangent? I found everything I had been looking for plus some things I forgot I had. No cards however. Two days of working up a sweat and trying hard to remember, I went in the den and sat down to cool down. Temper, temper. There they were, at the end of the couch, neatly assembled with the colored pens, pretty stickers, and the Christmas confetti I like to enclose in the cards to special friends. They know to open the card over the table. Our backs aren't what they used to be but we still have a bit of the kid in us and like our little pretties.
I had intended to write the cards out today and tomorrow but my mind says one thing and the body says another. Hubby thinks making a big stew should be my number one priority. It can wait until morning because I feel a nap coming on. Nights will be spent doing the cards if my fingers don't cramp up on me. My writing looks like spider scrawl and seems to go down hill so that the envelopes look like a little kid did them. I guess it's time to use that heavy lined paper inside the envelopes so I have a guide to go by... good idea, I'm surprised I remembered it.
Have a calm afternoon and don't get involved in all that Christmas rush. And if you need it, take a nap! Doctor's orders.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

It's Sunday and the Sun Is Out!

It's Sunday and it looks as if it will be a beautiful day. Unfortunately I will be missing out because I am on my way back to bed. I stayed up way too late into the morning. I was packing up blankets, curtains, etc. to make some room for the clean winter bedding.

I was also watching CPTV and enjoyed it immensely. Celtic Women was on and it was a concert I hadn't seen before. Then they had on the Do Wop era and that was MY era. Just loved seeing all the performers with hair as gray as mine and bodies with extra weight. I was right in my element. Then the Ed Sullivan shows came on with all the British bands and that kept me glued to my chair for another hour or so. I wish I could have gotten the CD's of the show. It made for easy working on the bedding packing. It also took me at least three times as long. What a great night!

Today my butt is dragging and I'm just writing to put words on the page before too many days pass me by and I fail to blog for too long a time. It really takes discipline and something to write about in order to make this blog interesting. I am a stay at home mostly, and boring to say the least.

I gave myself a shot of vitamin B12 and I hope that helps me recover a bit from all that I've been fighting the past month. I have zilch energy and my mind left me quite awhile ago. I've been busy playing Catch Up but today my eyes just won't cooperate. So with that said, I'm going back to bed for more Zzzzz's.

Wishing you all a beautiful and relaxing day. It's only 8:30 A.M. so if I can sneak back to bed, I can grab another hour or two of sleep before hubby wakes up.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

It's pitch black outside as I write this and it seems so strange. I'm used to daylight at this hour but tis Fall now and soon it will be winter. I'm not prepared for the freezing cold and the lonely looking trees standing stark against the morning sky.

Oh well, it's Thanksgiving so I should be talking about the things I'm most thankful for instead of bellyaching. Sorry but age has it's privileges. As I sit here clicking the keys and making noise that keeps hubby awake, I can hear his sonorous breathing, not missing a beat as he snores his way to morning. He was up all night watching TV and he is worn out. I awakened to the TV going with a discussion on the best light bulbs to use, but with sound so low I could barely hear it. The flashes of light is what woke me up. I thought, FIRE! Now that wakes you up and gets you moving in a hurry.

I'm most thankful for my wonderful hubby whom God has gifted me with for 49 years. We have been through some pretty heavy stuff together and we have grown closer instead of letting it separate us to each go our own way. At our age we have to take care of one another for we are what we are, two old fogies rattling around the house together.

Of course after so many years together, our physiques have changed considerably. I remember when we used to be thin and walked with a skip in our step. Now we mostly skip a step, period!. Yep, the canes need to come out where they are handy. While passing each other in the long hallway, one must step aside to let the other go by. Our girth doesn't allow us both to use the same space at the same time. It really ticks me off when he presses up against the wall. I'm not that big!! Well maybe just a tad...Gravity hasn't helped our situation any either. That's for darn sure. There's certainly no more showers together. That ended long ago. We ended up laughing so hard at one another naked that we were too weak to climb out of the shower. The tub sides just seemed to get higher somehow.

Ooops, complaining instead of praising and being thankful. I can see this is a lost cause because I can't stay on subject so will just wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your day of being thankful for all God has blessed you with.

Enjoy your day of football and I'll enjoy my Parades. I'm still a kid at heart.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Well, That's Over and Done With!

Well, yesterday was THE day.
I went and had the breast biopsy. What an experience!!! I have had them in 95, 97, 2001, 2005, 2007, and then yesterday. I was geared to be cut, etc. and was prepared for all the pain. Well this time was a real eye opener. They now do it a new way.

After I had my vitals taken by a pleasant young man, he wanted to take me to the ER because my blood pressure was 140/98. It sure shocked me too. I'm usually 120/78-82. When upset it can go up to 130 but not higher... I told him to just get started and I was sure it would come down. I had only taken my blood pressure medicine on the way to the hospital and it probably hadn't kicked in yet. Plus the stress so it was not that unusual.

They got me situated on a table with a huge hole in it and there I was, lying on my stomach with my boob hanging down through the hole. They had to take pictures and do calculations so they could hone in on the spot. The young man was sitting down beside the table patting my arm for support. It took them a while to find the spot and make calculations, meanwhile I'm still ahanging. Finally the doctor scoots down after they raised the bed and sits underneath and starts with the Novocaine. By then I'm so sore from the size 42JJ boob just hanging in space, my armpit starts throbbing let alone that lone boob. It felt as if it was pulling part of my chest wall along with it.

The doctor starts telling me what he is doing as he goes along and keeps asking, "Are you alright Joyce?" I tell him I'm doing fine and just do what he has to and quit treating me as if I'm glass and will break. He started chuckling and told me, "I was easy." The cute young technician is still sitting beside me patting my arm and I feel like a deer must feel when it's caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. All in all it took 35 minutes from start to finish. Well 50 minutes because they had to get me situated on that crazy bed just right. The Doctor told me I was an excellent patient and he wished all were like me. He said it took the least amount of time of any that he had done so far, and I was super. Nothing bothered me except the embarrassment of having that cute young thing beside me the whole time. If only I could have pulled a sheet over my head! I honestly told him I never felt the Novocain because I was so numb to begin with, also didn't feel the long needle he warned me about inserting in order to cut and suck out the biopsy tissue. I only felt the pressure of the sucking motion as they cleaned the area as they went along. In my head I was picturing a poor cow with it's udder caught between two large rocks, and to be truthful, I uttered out loud a very good "Mooooo." Talk about comic relief! We were all laughing. Thank God I chose the safest time to do it. That wouldn't have gone over too well during the cutting process.

Once up and off the table with my pin inserted for further use in case the biopsy comes back and needs further surgery, I got dressed. Can you believe it, they inserted a piece of jewelry inside my boob? How special I am. I came home, iced for 20 minutes, took a Tylenol and then fell asleep in the chair , and woke up 7 hours later. I'm telling you, if only I had known. I just can't do any lifting, vacuuming, aerobics, etc. for two days. As if I'd want to...

Once Dr. Monte left the room, the gal in charge showed me my pictures, (X-rays), and the tissue they removed for biopsy. My gosh, it looked like 3D roads on a map lying in the little covered dish. I should know the results Friday, at least I hope so. Now I'm fine, just typing with my left arm close to my side but otherwise fine.
Let me tell you, they certainly have improved upon biopsies of the breast. It's just embarrassing lying there with a huge boob hanging for so long and a cute young technician sitting beside me through it all. I told him to take my blood pressure now and he laughed. I was so tired from not sleeping I was just dozing while I had the opportunity.

Hubby bought me a box of Russell Stover chocolates, I'm diabetic but the temptation broke me down. I took two and told him he was going to have to eat the rest. What punishment!! Somehow homemade fudge sounds a lot better.
This morning I woke up expecting to list to the right but so far so good. This old ship still sails, a few dips here and there, but still sailing. Friday I will get the results but I'm hopeful and looking forward to more happy days of cleaning house. Now anybody who knows me knows that's a crock!
Have a great day everyone and if there are any males reading, I hope I didn't freak you out. I tried to be gentle...Smile.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I Should Change the Title to The Heart Remembers But the Mind Doesn't

I truly seem to be 'losing it' lately. Call it stress, sleepless nights, etc., but something sure is going on.

Yesterday morning I awoke from a nightmare. I never have nightmares nor dream pleasant dreams. My nights are full of wakefulness and dread for reasons I just can't seem to get a handle on. Worry over my hubby, my upcoming surgery, the flu which has hung on far too long to be 'just flu.' I've decided I'm going to take my health in hand and go by good old common sense. Less TV with all the gory pictures and details of our men and women dying in combat, etc. Hubbies war movies that are so loud they make my heart beat faster and I feel I have a perpetual lump in my throat and an upset stomach.

In these times, I think what most of us need is less TV and more music, soothing if you please.

Just to tell you where my mind was yesterday, I'll give you a few clues. After waking from the nightmare, I sat down at my computer and tried to do some quizzes, to get my mind and body to mesh as one. When attempting to stand, I flew into my recliner even though I had no intention of sitting, but my balance was off and it was a relief to have a soft landing.

Hubby said he was hungry and since he'd had surgery on his mouth, I had to make something soft for him to eat. He said he wanted Pancakes. I raised an eyebrow at his request but then remembered how much syrup he likes and figured they would be soggy enough for him to get down. Then I set about fixing the pancake mix. I quickly threw in the Hungry Jack mix, an egg, milk, tad of oil and cinnamon. The cinnamon cap came off and I was carefully scooping tablespoons of the aromatic stuff and throwing them in the waste basket. That done, I started to stir up the batter?? I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it until I gave the box of Hungry Jack another quick glance. 'Instant Potatoes' ran past my eyes. Of course, I use it for thickening my stews. No wonder the mix wasn't the proper consistency. If I had been able to think quickly enough, I could very easily have made potato pancakes with sour cream, but my mind just went on vacation for a few minutes there. Oh well, he wanted pancakes and pancakes he would get.

I cooked them without getting the edges crispy, and he said they were delicious. I just gave him a quick kiss on the top of his head and told him I had to sit down. He grabbed me and held me a few minutes to stabilize me and give me a hug. Then he sweetly said, "Hon, you had better sit down and stay off your feet for awhile since you seem unbalanced." Gee, when did he get his first clue? I've been weaving my way around this house for weeks and blamed it on the flu. With both ears acheing and my face also, I have decided it is my sinuses and will have them checked after my surgery Tuesday. I will be careful and use my cane which decorates the wall usually, but think it smart to use it for what it is intended. It's tough when you realize that you are getting older and unsteady on the feet along with other surprises.

On the plus side, I enjoy the days more and the birds. They seem to empty the feeders as soon as hubby fills them. Even the feral cat has come back early mornings to fill her belly. Such a beautiful cat my hubby and I agree. Pretty green eyes and a coat of the softest shade of grey. We had her trapped and spayed last year, along with her shots so it is the best we could do for her. Once she was retrieved from her cage at the Vet's by the Animal Control Officer, she was let loose in our yard and off she took to the woods. She was always having kittens and we would find them dead due to the animals and freezing weather. She was a wildcat and I don't think the vet would want to go around with her again. Of course she would never allow herself to be trapped again as she is no longer vulnerable with kittens to protect. We do love her and try to help her through the winters. Come summer, she disappears until the first frost. We enjoy her while we can and keep trying to win her trust.

The deer are coming back a few at a time. No herds yet but that will come later when the weather becomes intense. Unfortunately we are unable to feed them this year due to our lack of income. SS doesn't go far with house expenses and food to buy. The cats and birds we can manage but the deer food with molasses and the cracked corn just doesn't fit into our budget anymore. It breaks my heart to see animals go hungry. Especially when the deer are being chased by packs of dogs. The barking seems to go on forever. And how far can they run and how long can they last, running weak and hungry? If only I had a magic wand.

I'd best get off that subject and appreciate the beautiful sunny day this morning. I was going to try to go grocery shopping earlier, but thought I should wait until tomorrow. Then I can cook a few meals to last us because I won't be up to cooking Tuesday nor Wednesday. Thank goodness I have a great son and daughter-in-law who will cook the whole Thanksgiving meal and see that we get fed a delicious turkey dinner. And no clean up!! For me anyway.

Well, I think I have typed long enough and have given you an inkling as to why I haven't been able to keep up with my blog. I will do the best I can in the future but it won't be an every day occurence unless something happens to give me instant energy.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the sunshine. You need the Vitamin D.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Time Flies, Even When You're Not Having Fun

Oh well, already off to a bad start. I posted one picture to cover the other and now I have two and don't know how to delete it. I'm not even going to go there!
The pictures I took two days before the horrific rains and after the trees were almost completely bare. How's that for timing?
I gave up on my blog due to illness and life just kept getting in my way. I had nothing else to write about except to whine and I'm sure you like cheese with your wine and I was all out. As a matter of fact, the fridge was empty so hubby went shopping while I tried to sleep away the flu. I never knew what day it was and had to keep asking. It really didn't matter since I would drop off again and that would add to my confusion upon waking.
My car, the one we waited on forever to be fixed died on us just a few days after picking it up. The transmission blew! If we didn't have all the bad luck lately, we wouldn't have any luck at all... Nuff said.
Hubby is now down with the flu and it drives me crazy. He came down sick right after I started to get well and after his feeling good for a week, he came right back down with it. We have been playing musical beds in the mean time. I no sooner fall asleep then he comes to bed at 4 a.m. and I'm up again. I came out here to get some relief from the C-pap machine blowing cold air in my ear and lo and behold, he comes out and sits here sniffing. I should have stayed in bed. The past few weeks have been this way so tonight I get the recliner and he can have the bed. I'm headed back to bed as soon as I take my morning meds and maybe I can catch a little shut eye. At least I won't have to listen to the sniffling. He's entrenched in the recliner so that is no longer a choice for me.
Tomorrow he gets 3 of his lower teeth extracted so the gums can heal and they can make his plate with room to add a tooth as need be. He has swallowed an expensive crown, chewed on hard candy and broke the top bridge, as well as losing another crown while biting into a large grinder. That crown he lost because he didn't notice it until the sandwich was completely gone. Need I say more? I feel as though I'm raising kids again. The dentist told him hard candy is to suck on, not bite and crunch with 71 year old teeth.
Oh me, I think I'm in need of the funny farm to rest and gear up for the next attack. Eye surgery on Dec. 2. After nearly getting hit a few times and going over curbs while pulling out of parking spaces, hubby will actually be able to see where he is going. At first we thought it was his medications because the last time we saw the eye doctor he said cataracts were a long way off. Here it is his 6 month check up and it's definitely time to have surgery. At our age I'm glad he is going first. Can you imagine the two of us driving like that. I just had my check up so I'm good to go for some time. Now that was good news. If only I had my Chevy Blazer to drive! Oh well, I guess we take the good with the bad and be thankful things aren't worse.
Sorry for the tale of woe but to be truthful, with all that's happened and will continue to happen, we have both been kind of grouchy. I'm sure you've noticed that by now. No one can feel great when they are sick and down. Hubby isn't used to being down. He has to be going, going, going. When he is not then I know he's really sick. I guess I'll make him some pudding for a treat later on in the day after I've slept some. I never cook when I'm tired anymore. Just not that much on the ball since I turned on the wrong burner and ruined a good pot and set fire to two pot holders. Oh well...
Have a good day everybody and enjoy our warmer weather. It's sure to change soon.

Monday, November 2, 2009

"The Perks of Getting Older

Yesterday I spent the day watching Nascar races and football, not because I really wanted to but it was some togetherness with hubby. That was one way to get answers from him as he loves talking about football and as for the races, there was a horrible accident which had my heart in my throat for awhile but it turned out well in the end. The drive was cut out of his car and walked away hurting but with no serious injuries.

Have lots to do today so can't really write much, so I'm cheating and hope you get a kick out of the following. It came in an email this morning and it applies to many of us I think. Of course she didn't mention running to the post office in her nightgown but most applies.

I would never trade my amazing friends, my wonderful life, my loving family for less gray hair or a flatter belly. As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend. I don't chide myself for eating that extra cookie, or for not making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I didn't need, but looks so avante garde on my patio. I am entitled to a treat, to be messy, to be extravagant. I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging. Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60 &70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love ... I will. I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set.They, too, will get old. I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important things. Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect. I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver. As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore. I've even earned the right to be wrong. So, to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day(if I feel like it). MAY OUR FRIENDSHIP NEVER COME APART ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART!

Have a great day folks.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1st Already

This is how I feel today. Can you tell that I'm not at my best? Hot and cold, sweats and chills, just can't get comfortable in my skin. I've been running my fingers through my hair with the hot flashes and this is about how it looks now.

Yesterday started off okay, but got more interesting as the day went on. Son called with a request to put money in his account as he used what he had to renew RV registration. It was 11:30 and bank closes at 12:00 on Saturday. I was still in my red flannel nightgown and there was no time to change. I just threw a jacket on over it and rushed to the bank. I made the deposit with 5 minutes to spare. All the way home I prayed the car wouldn't break down nor the police would stop me!

Son Mike and wife Val made dinner for us last night. It was an on and off day with all the coughing, sweats and chills. The window must have wondered what was going on because I kept opening it and closing it, We left it wide open and I felt much better but then I went to bed and hubby stayed up playing Free Cell. I got up this morning to a cool house and yes, the window was still wide open. Hopefully the fresh air killed some of the germs.

Our cat was feeling a bit frisky last night and son kept throwing a small blanket over her. She really tore into it and we were in fits of laughter at her actions. She went at it with her back legs and would stick her head out every so often to watch us and then she would begin again. This morning I put a little cat nip on the kitchen rug in front of the door where she surveys her kingdom and she ate what she wanted and then disappeared. I expect her to come pounce on me any minute from it's effects. LOL, I just turned to look out the window and there she is on her cat bed, fast asleep. I thought that stuff was supposed to make her lively? Maybe it's just slow acting...

The deer were here this morning. Two of them were grazing in my potted plants. The three pots of Mandeville Pinks which I hoped to cut back and put in the garage over the winter seemed to be their favorite. I had just told hubby yesterday that I needed help carrying them out to the garage. Horrors, my plants taking up space in HIS garage. Today I guess we don't have to worry about it.

Yesterday I posted 8 items on Free Cycle and they were gone within two hours. I'm so glad to get rid of things I no longer use and things I bought as gifts but never sent. Mainly because I couldn't fine them when I needed them. A teacher answered my post on craft items and materials for the Children's Programs at the local library. That set me off digging through all my boxes of goodies and I think she is getting more than she bargained for. She also asked me to be a volunteer with the December's craft project so that will be fun. I love working with kids on crafts. I never could figure out what I'd like to be when I grew up so I didn't grow up, just out...

This is about as exciting as watching grass grow so I'll close for now. I hope others are leading a more exciting life today. Enjoy it while you can because winter will soon be here. I know, I know, Killjoy!

Have a happy day.


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Skip One Day and ...

Here it is, Halloween already. The way I'm feeling, the broom is ready and waiting for me. And look, it's already in the right position for me to hop on and take a head dunk.

I've so blue over the dreary weather but I'm sure I'd hate the cold more. It's just these leaves keep piling up on the patio and as soon as hubby clears them off, within minutes more start dropping. They are wet and stick to the bottom of your shoes, and without knowing it you bring them in and they are on the kitchen floor, carpets, etc. The cat has fun with them for a little while and then when they are all broken up, she leaves them. My vacuum is working double time. Living in the woods does have it drawbacks at times.

Well, since I've been away, I had one car which needed work and was in the repair shop for over two weeks. We got it back last Friday. Yesterday hubby was going shopping and had been gone for a few hours. I figured he would be awhile since he had to go to Home Depot and the Autozone plus get groceries. I was watching TV when I heard a slam of the patio door. In he came all upset and out of breath. Here I was visualizing him doing his errands and happy to be out and about to do MAN things, and all the time he was broke down in the newly repaired car. He had to call our son to help him out. Turns out the hose to transmission blew loose and the car was absolutely covered in oil. Son brought him 4 quarts and followed him home. He'd only gotten 2 miles away when this happened.

Son and friend worked on the car and told dear Dad to go get a couple gallons of antifreeze. That took him out of the house for another hour. While son and Tim worked on the car, hubby used my old car which had been in for repairs before this last one and I prayed it would last a little longer. Like a few years! He was all geared up to go shopping, like he had first set out to do. He came home with the items on the list and to cheer me up he also bought me a box of eclairs and a half gallon of coffee ice cream. I'm diabetic and in the back of my mind I wondered if he was trying to get rid of me. In a loving way of course.

When the mail came I found that our registration had expired and the RV insurance was due. Oh man, I needed that on top of everything else. Jon went to Motor Vehicle Department In Florida and paid for two years for the registration (the RV is there and he lives in it), and I called the insurance company and renewed the policy by phone. I was having a panic attack in the middle of all this and just wanted to put a bag over my head and pretend I wasn't here.

This whole month has been one crisis after another and when I didn't have my own to deal with, the granddaughter in Colorado would call with hers. Misery loves company I guess. I didn't come to my blog to write because I didn't want to whine and complain. This is my happy place where reality doesn't exist, at least the negative things. Well today I sure blew it didn't I?

On a happy note, my brother and his wife came for a visit from Arkansas. It was so great to see them and even though it wasn't for long, we did get to spend some time with them visiting relatives and eating out. Gosh, do they do dinners or lunches. I got spoiled. I even cooked a ham dinner with all the fixings and had everything cooked and done at the same time. Now that's good for an old gal like me. We've been on special diets but that day we blew it big time. Of course I almost lost the ham trying to get it out of the oven but son, Jon, came to my rescue. He helped me so much and I really appreciated it. I think he wanted to make sure I didn't drop anything, baked ham makes a horrible mess when it slips out of the pan and on to the floor. I know, I've been there already. Sticky and slippery!!

Now Jon has gone back to Florida and brother and wife left the same day. To say I was blue is an understatement. It's so quiet here now with hubby sleeping and me at the computer. At least I can think straight for a little while. I just have to remember how to post this without losing it like my last try.

That's my news for now. Sorry it couldn't have been up and perky sounding but if you could see me, you'd know perky just isn't me right now.

Have a great day people.


Monday, October 12, 2009

I Feel Like A Leaf

A soggy wet leaf, with all the oomph taken out of it. No sleep last night and this morning I just can't get out of my own way.
I started making a huge pot of Chili, half way through I realized I was out of kidney beans. Upon searching in the lower shelves which are hard for me to get to, I also found that I had no little cans of green Chile peppers. Groan, that meant I had to go shopping and in a hurry.
Now just the thought of getting dressed and going shopping turned me off. It also turned my brain to the Off Mode. There I sat in the driveway, key in hand while I tried valiantly to hold my hand still enough to insert key. Helpful hubby came over to the car window and said, "Well turn the key!" My hand was shaking like a leaf in the wind and there way no way I could turn the ignition on. I was ready to tear hair out and not mine! What was he thinking of? Of course I would turn the key if I were able.
Pure frustration won out and I put the car in reverse and backed out. Gee, I felt so accomplished. Then I put the gear in drive and presto, the car cooperated and I drove off, not happily but in a better frame of mine. Once at the grocery store I noticed a few more things I was in need of so into the cart they went. By the time I was finished, my energy had been blown away so I grabbed a half gallon of ice cream as a reward. Next, to the cashier to pay. Ooops, I hadn't taken any cash with me. I found my ATM card to my surprise and delight. Phew, saved...
At home I put away the perishables, grabbed a cup of ice cream and collapsed in my recliner. Then I got up, opened eleven cans and got the chili going. Who says you can't make a great meal out of a can? Hubby just got up from the table and said, "It's delicious and tomorrow it will be even better." Thank goodness I made so much today, for tomorrow I don't have to cook.
Yea, that will give me time to finally get my kitchen table cleared of all the paper work that has been decorating it for too long. I have company coming and it will be nice to all sit at the table to eat together. It's sure been awhile! I love to cook but hate housework. In other words, I'm a slob!!!
If I miss blogging for a few days, I'm sure you will understand. Smile.
Have a good day people.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Worth Waiting For

My hubby was telling me stories of his childhood and the things he looked forward to as his family was not financially secure. He lived in West Virginia with his mom, sister and grandparents. He loved adventures and getting into mischief. I can certainly believe that. This is a story I wrote while thinking of him. I can just see him now in my mind's eye.
He stood at the mailbox, one foot resting on top of the other, leaning into the post as if to make himself a part of it. A look of expectancy filled his face, lighting his amber eyes as it candles burned from within. He appeared to be about eight years of age, reed-thin, with elbows and knobby knees quite evident in his tie-dyed shirt and worn denim cut offs. He hair was rusty-red, and stuck straight up like the tail feathers of a rooster. His left hand repeatedly reached up to push the hair from his eyes. He shaded his squinting eyes against the glare of the sun and stared long and hard down the rock-laden dirt road, as if expecting something of great importance to arrive at any moment.
Unable to bear the suspense of his long wait, his feet began kicking at the base of the mailbox post, first one foot and then the other, in short jabbing motions, the toes of his sneakers sending spurts of pebbles and dirt into motion. Hearing a vehicle approaching, his face suddenly became alert, chin pointed in the direction of the oncoming commotion. A red truck carrying a load of noisily clucking chickens appeared, its wheels lurching drunkenly over the rocks and ruts in the poorly maintained country road.
The boy's face fell, his lips stretched taut as if to keep from crying, and his shoulders sagged dejectedly. His whole stance was one of rejections.
The boy, seemingly tired, settled himself down upon the sun burned grass, and once again took up his position as the watchful guard of the mailbox. The hot noonday sun beat down upon the now bronzed hair, warming the defenseless looking boy, lulling him into slumber. He dozed beside the mailbox, his outstretched hand still keeping contact with the post, as if to break the tie would mean the loss of his eagerly awaiting dream.
Suddenly, the sound of squealing tires rent the air. A red, white and blue mail truck came hurdling around the curve. The boy jolted awake by the noise, quickly leaped to his feet, his face breaking into a gleeful grin. His lips let loose a whoop of joy, shrill and full of excitement. His sneakered feet beat a staccato rhythm against the hard, sun-packed earth. At last the driver of the mail truck dipped into his mailbag and brought forth a small brown package and deposited it into the boy's extended hand. As soon as the package lay safely grasped within, the boy turned and quickly sped down his walkway, all the while yelling at the top of his lungs, "Mom, mom, my secret spy decoder ring finally came!"
Have a great day today and enjoy that sunshine.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Once Upon A Wave

I silently sit and watch the waves as they crash upon the shore

Breathing in the scent of salt sea air, filling my lungs with their cravings for more.

The seagulls swoop and dive, looking for their evening meal. They don't bother about me watching silently, as if I'm a part of them and so belong.

I focus on the building ebony clouds of darkness as slowly they move and shadow what is left of day's light. Warning me that soon the chilly winds will cool me in the swiftly decending air of night.

I know I'm getting older, I feel it in my bones, in my mind and see it in my eyes. The hair is getting more grey, skin less firm and small wrinkles appearing everywhere, adding character to a once young and girlish face.

My step no longer light and free, but slower and chosen more carefully, least I stumble and fall. For bones once strong are more brittle now, and mend too long a time and much more painfully.

I try not to worry but my mortality is more often on my mind, for others, some much younger have gone before and left me far behind. Oh where do we go when we leave this earth, are we no longer meant to be? Or do we go to a better place, on a different level of being?

It's strange how when as youngsters we can't wait to age yet now that I'm older do I really wish to once again be young? I've learned many lessons, some joyful, some filled with tragedy and pain. Would I really like to go round once more and face it all again?

Our time on earth is limited, we must find joy when and where we can, but must always in the back of our minds remember. that which we leave behind, must be thought of lovingly and hopefully passed on

To the younger ones we've born and raised, with tears of joy and laughter, And promised that they as in the fairy tales, would live happily ever after.

I no longer believe in fairy tales, I outgrew them long ago, when expectations and broken hearts proved them to be untrue. Why do some people choose to live their lives in perpetual expectation of better things to come? Don't they realize we make our own goals come true by what we envision most important to our hearts, mind and soul?

I will leave this earth without regrets and much love for the precious gifts it holds, Nature, in its greatest glory, beauty and wonder, is left for others to unfold.


May 4, 2002

Friday, October 2, 2009

Music and Memories

For as long as I can remember, music has always been a big part of my life. Growing up I would hear my dad working out in the yard singing the old favorites, Ruby, Harbor Lights,
Spanish Eyes and more.
I guess it was only natural that I started singing at a very early age. I would singsong things I wanted to say and usually my aunt would be the one to singsong back the answers. I don't know how I started that, but it was like a secret way of speaking with auntie and I. Then I began to sing real songs and my dad would join in because the songs I chose were really what I heard from him. That and the Good Year Opera Hour every Sunday with the great stars of the day. Of course I loved The Great Caruso and would listen to his records by the hour.
I began singing in Minstrel shows at age eleven,and loved the talented acts by the others. Mostly I loved ballet and as much as I had wanted to take lessons and was refused, the more I dreamed about dancing on the stage. Now mind you, I was a leggy and gangly girl who was more the tomboy type. Also I suffered severe stage fright when I had to get up and do my solo.
Hubby and I would always sing together while taking rides in the car while we were dating. He had a beautiful voice and I was thrilled that he enjoyed music also. He would join in with me when the yearly minstrel show would start practice. I remember when I was ill, I would make him sing and with my head against his chest, the deep sombre of his voice would lull me to sleep. It was better than any medicine they could give me.
In church I would sing my heart out but I was always standing up in the loft, back against the wall where they couldn't see me. I was told that it was like a voice from above and I sounded like an angel. I have to laugh at that because I can imagine the noise of the bodies turning in the pews, trying to find this disembodied voice. I guess that was when I started to be afraid to sing in public. Where the fear came from I don't know but it continued until I had to refuse requests to sing as the soloist.
Later after marriage and childlren, I would sing lullabies to my babies. When they got older they would tell me not to sing. Now that really did it and I held myself in check. They didn't like the arias or the soprano voice. Yet when I was out on the water by myself, I'd really cut loose. Oh to be able to sing like that now. I have to admit that it got me through some pretty tough times. I would lose myself in a song and be in another world. My escape!
Nowadays I can carry a tune just fine but oh my, how I croak. Hubby and I still sing while driving and what I forget in words he remembers, those that he forgets, I remember. It's a good thing we can help each other out. I can just imagine how it would be without the words. Two forgetful older people trying hard to keep it together. After 49 years of marriage, I think we do just fine.
I've been listening to opera, The Three Tenors, and I guess I just got lost in the moment. I had been hemming my hubby's denim jeans but had to stop and give my hands a rest. This is what sprouted from the music and sitting here quietly by myself. I hadn't felt up to blogging today, but this is what resulted from beautiful music and musings. Music, I couldn't live without it.
Have a wonderful late afternoon and a fantastic weekend. Above all, put on some relaxing music and think back and remember. The things that brought you joy and tears. Music heals it all.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Life as a River Rat

As you can see, this is not the river. It is the ocean, a favorite spot to visit in Rhode Island that I have been going to since I was young. It was Mom and Dad's place and we were always hauled off to see the waves crashing during and after a wicked storm. I found it to be thrillingly exciting.
So was walking the river banks during a hurricane where we mostly got the strong winds. I can remember fighting for my footing quite a few times during that excitement. If i lost my balance I would tumble down the river bank and end up on an overturned boat or in the drink.
I have an older brother who loved to fish. He would go off with his friends though, leaving me at home alone. I find it strange that he recently bought a bass boat and he fishes every night on the lake. If he catches a fish, he lets it go. He hates the taste of fish, any kind of fish. I find that extremely hilarious since we were brought up on fish.
When my brother was not around, Dad would nab me to accompany him in the boat for a fishing trip. I really loved it so can't act too surprised and put upon. The flat fish were abundant (they call it flounder in the market) but flat they were, with two eyes close together on the top side. They were ugly and slimy, bottom feeders. I cannot tolerate to eat them now as they always taste a tad muddy to me.
Often we would go out to the sand bar past Bluff Point at low tide, and unload our bushel baskets and rubber tire tubes. We put the baskets inside the tubes which we tied around our waist to keep them close. Then we would clam until the tide came in. Dad would feel with his feet for the clams and then go under to get them. I was very careful feeling with my bare feet, there were Horseshoe crabs along the bottom and they were big and had hard sharp shells. It wasn't nice to step on one accidentally. When I did feel clams, I would bend over very carefully, feeling with my hand for the prize. I only bent on one side because I couldn't stand water in my face. I held my breath until I found the darn things and then would start again. I'm very good at holding my breath now. Even out of the water!
On the way home, dad and I would just sit and fish. He would troll a little bit and we would throw our lines overboard. I especially liked trolling. It always made me sleepy and dreamy. I would get up on the bow of the boat and lay down, feeling the warm sun and the movement of the boat beneath me. Every once in a while we would hit a wave and the water would splash upon me. That was my favorite part of the day.
At home I would sit beside the bushel basket and shuck clams with Dad. I got to be pretty good at it too. I could almost keep up with Dad except for the scallops. They were a different deal entirely. I always marveled at the beautiful lining inside with the iridescent turquoise blue, like little eyes at the inside edge of the shell. After the shucking came the washing of the meat and cleaning of the shell completely. Then drying and at last, my joy in painting little scenes inside the shells. Scallops have a beautiful shell. Very decorative and many people use them to complete their sea scenes in their kitchens or bathrooms.
The oysters were a different story. They were hard to open and often cut my hands. I never did find a pearl inside. They had little barnacles on the shell and they could really do a number on the hands if not careful. I later learned to use special gloves, much later.
Oops, I got carried away in remembering and there is so much more to tell. That will have to wait for another time. A time to go back to my childhood and to remember again.
Have a good day people.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Today is a Spot On Day!

Good Morning,
This little cutie was sent to me in an email from my aunt this morning. Perfect timing Auntie! I think he is just precious with that little wink, don't you?

I really haven't much to write about because I only went shopping last night in the rain and rolling fog, came home with my heart in my stomach from my uneasiness of driving in the heavy fog, ate and put some of the groceries away. Then I watched a little TV and went to bed. I did keep my window wide open and the hooting of the owls, coyotes cries and critter symphony sent me right off to sleep.

I won't be able to stand the colder weather when the critters will no long be, and I won't be able to open the window to hear the owls if they are still here. I'll have to try it at least once just to see. Of course it will get pretty cool in the room but hubby would close the window when he came to bed.

I have to get busy with the sorted piles of summer clothes I've got at the end of the bed before they fall and I have to do it all again. I bought those big plastic bags that you can put a lot in and then lay on the bag to squeeze out the air before sealing. I also have the ones you use the vacuum on to suck out the air. Those are fun to use. Small things amuse small minds you know.

It's pretty cool out there but I have a lovely cross breeze and there is a noisy cricket making such a racket that it sounds as if he is in the house. I just love to listen to them. We had one in our utility room last year and every night he would start in with his music. Hubby was going nuts and kept trying to find him/her?. I finally found him and quickly grabbed him up and let him loose outside to be with his family. Ooh, what a funny feeling with those scratchy legs going like crazy in the palm of my hand. And of course they always gifted me for saving them by leaving a bit of poop in my hand.

I remember shaming the boys into letting loose their frogs, lightning bugs, hermit crabs in buckets and so on, by making my voice sound sad and pretending I was calling my babies back home. It worked when they were small but later they got wise to me. We never had to worry about finding dead worms and such because they always let them go and with that trusting look up at me, would usually say, "Their mommy is happy now isn't she mommy?" I really miss those days of pure innocence and trust.

Now I seem to have become someone they are not quite sure of. Smile. It's good to keep them guessing. It makes up for all the times they stayed out late and I was up and worried until they came in that door. My hair didn't turn grey because I had angels.

I have so much to do today and I promised myself I would get it done. However this beautiful day might be one of the last for some time and I want to grab my camera and get out there and enjoy it. It will be a tough battle but I know the day out in the sun will win. We have errands to run and things to do and I'll take my camera for sure.

Have a nice day everybody and enjoy, enjoy.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's Raining, It's Pouring

My hubby is snoring. He deserves the sleep, he worked outside for hours yesterday with son, Mike, filling in a long ditch. They had it dug up and had to replace the PVC piping we had put in a few years ago to prevent our driveway from becoming a skating rink. They found it was all crushed and bent, making all the water go under our garage and it was washing away our fill. When he came in all hurting and out of breath he said, "I'm really hurting, I'm too old for this anymore." As if he didn't know it for the past few years. But keeping busy helps him to feel useful. You know, the mind is willing, but the body is falling apart underneath us.

We were both up a few times last night, he to take a pain pill and me to run to the potty as usual. Once from the sound of the rain pounding on the roof. I need to stop drinking water earlier nights. One of these times I'm going to get tripped up and fall on my face.

Would you believe it has been in the 30's and low 40's nights and yet tomorrow it is supposed to be like a summer day. Please Lord, don't play games like this. I'm confused enough as it is.

Later I guess we'll go grocery shopping in order to get some walking in. I try to just walk the store once without stopping and then settle down to actually shop. When I do though I find my grocery list has been added to since hubby can't walk that fast so he searches the aisles while I hurry to finish before he fills the cart with things not on the list.

Well, as you can see, I don't have much to say so will close and get dressed and get outside in the fresh air. You all have a good day.


Friday, September 25, 2009


Hmmm, I guess I should keep this picture of the mechanic handy, I have a feeling I'll have lots of use for it.

Finally, the car has been repaired after much tearing of the hair. Late Wednesday night Jon came in to tell me. I asked him what he did and it turned out that chubby hubby had crawled under the car and worked on it, fixing the last of the work on the alternator. I had gone out earlier and I have to say, there wasn't much room for him to move about under the car and the car was up on jacks!! You can imagine how nervous I was about that!

Yesterday morning we had to get to the doctor's early and we were rushing about. By the time we were finally ready and in the car, we had 15 minutes to get there. Okay, he started the car and we set off. As we started up the hill at the end of our driveway, a heck of a noise stopped us. Kert said, "Oh I must have left one of my tools on top of the engine." Red flares were going off in my head. It turned out not to be so and we started off again. Midway we smelled a strong burning odor and again Kert pulled off the road saying, "Something must be burning" and jumped out of the car and threw open the hood. Surprise, nothing was burning. Well, something WAS burning but it wasn't the car.

I told him to hurry and get to the doctor's and if the car burst into flames, well he wouldn't have to work on it anymore. The car did fine and we got there a half hour late but they fit us in anyway. After that the car drove like a dream, but hubby kept stopping to listen and would start again. By the time we got home I felt as if I had whiplash.

Last night Jon and Kert went to the auto races. It was the last race of the season except for the BIG one in mid October which runs for 3 days. Now they are saving their money for that one. When we had the RV they would go and spend the whole weekend there, and others in their RV's would get together and have a good time talking with pit crew members and friends they hadn't seen since the year before. Now we no longer have the RV so they will be driving back and forth each day.

It will be nice not having to cook! It will be perfect to be able to read a book from cover to cover with no interruptions. Ha! My weekend to be wild. LOL, I'll probably order a pizza and watch old movies in my flannel jammies with my favorite blanket wrapped around me. Now that's my idea of a good weekend. I think I'll start saving too so they will be sure to go...

I left all the windows open last night and this morning it was darn cold in here. I've got a jacket over my MuuMuu and a blanket around my legs. I guess It's time to throw on warmer clothes. I'm staying inside because it's windy and cool out there and I don't think I'm going to warm up anytime soon. I will definite close most of the windows tonight so it isn't such a shock waking up to cold and taking a shower. Getting out of that nice hot shower and then walking out of the bathroom is really an energy boost. You just can't get dressed fast enough.

I guess it's time I got off this computer and ate some breakfast. My stomach is playing Taps against my back bone.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Still Waiting

I wasn't going to write today because we are still waiting for the car to be fixed and I haven't been anywhere except to the library so no excitement there.

Jon is bringing a testing kit home from his friends auto shop to go over our new alternator which doesn't seem to work. They think when the blow up occurred the other day, that it might have fried wires. Now they have to check them all out and see if they can repair it sooner rather than later. Now we can't put the other car in the shop until we have one to use first. Believe it or not, I'm keeping my cool. Haven't gone off the deep end but there's always tomorrow.

It was so cold in the house when I woke up, my hands were stiff and fingers couldn't type. I wasn't going to blog but after sitting on my hands for a half hour, they have feeling again so here I am, trying at least.

I was going to dump all my planters today and should have done it this morning while it was so cold, and the bees weren't active yet. They have been out in droves and all over my flowers which have been struggling to make it with this crazy weather. The only thing still blooming are the planters full of petunias. I think if I'd let them they would be going strong until the first snow. Tonight they will be gone, cruelly tossed over the bank by an uncaring frustrated gardener. Then the bees won't have anything here to be drawn to. And just maybe the petunia seeds will cause new plants to grow in late spring. I'm hoping so.

This summer was a bust and too much work to keep up with the flowers. We had more fall like weather than summer, so it's no surprise that this is the last day of summer and this afternoon brings in the season of Autumn. Actually it is called the Autumnal Equinox. I must look that up. :)

With the arrival of Autumn comes memories of my mom and dad. Their anniversary fell in October and every year they would go to Vermont for leaf peeping. Mom never failed to come home bearing gifts, Maple Sugar candies, gritty tasting on the outside and creamy on the inside. Maple leaf jewelry, delicate and dipped in gold. I thought Vermont must be a magical place.

With October comes our anniversary also, 49 years. And like mom and dad, every October we would haul ourselves to Vermont and New Hampshire where I fell in love with the many small towns with the friendly people. I can't leave out the chicken and biscuit suppers advertised outside the churches lining the road sides. The lovely churches with the high spires set within a cluster of beautifully attired trees, brimming with all the colors that autumn in New England is famous for. And yes, we bring home presents also. The same gritty maple sugar candies, funny wooden puzzles made by the local craftsmen. I also pick up my special address book with the woodcut cover. If I had a daughter I think she would follow our lead and keep the journey alive.

I seem to be rambling on and am in need of a cat nap. I needed one when I first started this blog today, thus the little kitty asleep on the ball of yarn. It's sleep deprivation, the odds and ends that come out in our thoughts, in disconnected ways and ramblings.

I leave this blog with a wish for all who read it to have a wonderful day and a Happy Autumn.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Some Things Never Change

Yesterday afternoon while I was typing my blog, my son Jon came in from outside and brought me a present. On the cover of a book lay a big orange larvae. The boys have always brought me little gifts of nature since they were little, and because they expect me to automatically know what each and everything is. This specimen was a bit ugly and gave me goosebumps. I laid it in front of me on it's side so it couldn't make its way off the page, and began my research.

First I went to the webb and looked at images of moth larvae. There was quite an assortment of some of the creepiest looking specimens I've ever seen. Nope, this critter wasn't there. I studied the markings on the head of the gift and they looked familiar to a butterfly I had once seen. So next I went through all the images of butterfly larvae. At the very end, there it was, eyes, staring right at me. After reading up on it I discovered it was the Spice Bush Swallowtail Butterfly Larvae. The markings I had recognized were on the wings of the butterfly pictured next to the image of the larvae. How interesting I thought. The markings on the head looked like two eyes yet there they were, duplicated on the butterfly.

I then took my little gift outside and tried to put it on the branch of a tree to give it some protection against predators. It quickly fell to the ground. Mike came over to help me and he placed it on a wide leaf on a higher branch to give it some safety. Yea, it suddenly quit playing dead, grabbed hold and began inching its way along the leaf.

Maybe this isn't such earth shattering news, but it kept me occupied and I learned something new.

I'm so curious that I had to really have a closer look at the head, and while scrutinizing it, discovered that the real head was located deeper inside what I had first thought was the actual head. Nature's way of hiding the obvious. It didn't show itself fully until on the leaf when it came out and began its journey on familiar territory, free at last!

My lesson for the day was over. I did wonder how the poor thing felt lying here on my desk while I typed and searched. He played dead but he hadn't fooled me...

Today is a cool day but with sunshine. It is supposed to get up to 71 degrees but we shall see. I think I shall take a little walk out back and look on the ground to see if any more gifts await me. We just don't pay attention to nature around us if it isn't at eye level. When you walk with a cane, you are constantly aware of tree roots and other trip ups. I think it is sometimes a blessing. I find all kinds of gifts and each one is a learning experience.

Have a nice day everyone and be sure to search for your gift. It might be right in front of your eyes.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Will This Ever End?

Cars, trucks, cars, Grrrrrr.

For the past month we have spent a fortune in auto repairs and again the gremlins have struck! My '97 Nissan which has been in for repairs twice in as many weeks would not start Friday morning when we needed to get our flu shots. After cleaning up and fighting my way into clothes and the damn bra (no muumuus allowed), hubby turned the key in the ignition and nothing happened. He put the battery on charge and after 5 hours, still nothing. That battery was a dead as it could possibly be.

I trooped into the house and just sat wondering when this would end. I mean how much can go wrong with an old car that has had almost everthing replaced?? Hubby said to heck with it and told me to jump in the truck so off we went to get our shots and then to the bank. When finished he then asked me where I wanted to go. I loudly said "HOME!" I didn't want any part of a car the rest of the day.

Today they have been working on disassembling the Nissan to replace the alternator. Earlier Hubby had to make an emergency run to AutoZone to get a metric wrench. Now he came in and told me he had to go back and buy a screw. He just came home with one part and now has to run back after another. I told him to buy nuts and bolts and screws while he was at it because it never fails, when they take a part off, it breaks. Nope, he didn't need any. So now he just left to get the screw that wouldn't come off and broke while removing the gizmo. This is like a never ending dance lately. It never fails to be a much bigger job than they first envisioned. "No sweat Hon." Sure, as if I'll ever believe those words uttered by his mouth again. I'm smiling, I'm smiling. Nope, I'm actually lying through my teeth.

Our '97 Chevy Blazer goes in the auto shop to be repaired this week. I want it done by a pro so if I want to scream at somebody, it will fall on his ears and I can make an arse of myself. Heck, I'm paying for it and if it isn't right then I ought to be able to yell at someone. I mean, we aren't made of money and our cars have been there more often then home the past month. Repair those old cars President O Bama says, they will last forever if you treat them right. Well Pres, that costs money and we certainly didn't get any of your Stimulus moola. And now we certainly can't afford to buy a new one.

Heck, I'm just so frustrated and wasn't going to blog, but then I thought, why not throw some of the bad in with the good. I mean, I don't want to come across as a Goody Two Shoes. Some things do make me want to tear my hair out and roll on the ground like a two year old having a tantrum.

Well, my rant is over so I will close and wish everyone a good day. Now I'm smiling!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Well, I'm Here So That Counts for Something

I took this picture two days ago while checking on my plants and humming bird feeders. The little critters were having a hard time getting to the nectar . I held the feeder with one hand, tipping it their way so that it was easier for them to get to. Now that was a feat! A camera in one hand and the other holding the feeder without shaking. They were too busy gorging themselves to worry about me. I was amazed to see how they withdrew the nectar and wish I could have caught that on the camera. Their apparatus is so much more than you think.

The days of rain have shooed them off but not those little black and yellow vicious bees. They come after you with a frenzy if you are in their way. I've learned to just leave them be and let them fend for themselves.

Yesterday was all rain so I didn't go anywhere. Today is rainy also, a good day to read a book or in my case, finish two that I started and put aside to do other things. It's cool enough to bake also and hubby has been wanting chocolate!! It's not just a woman's thing at all. So much for their expensive surveys!

Okay, I didn't really feel up to writing anything with my brain fog so I'm going to go back to bed and take a nap. I hate this getting up so early. Especially when I was up until after 1 a.m.

Night, night, I need to get some more Zzzzzzzzzs.


Friday, September 11, 2009

What a Difference Between Yesterday and Today

Yesterday turned out to be a fine day. Windy and sunny, just how I like it. Especially when you visit the ocean. I can't think of anything more relaxing and exciting than watching those waves come in and trying to figure out where they will make the most beautiful combination of crashing sea and rocks. I took this picture after many tries, and will share more later.
Today it is rainy and raw out. I've had to close all my windows but one because it is feeling damp in the house. I left all the windows open all night, not a smart move so today I need some warmth. Fickle woman, I'm never happy with the weather it seems. Wait until snow!
I've been going to my special spot over the cliffs in Rhode Island to watch the sea and its many moods for so many years. It never fails to bring peace to my soul. On the other hand, hubby was bored with it and just wanted me to get my pictures so he could leave. I wanted to stay awhile and just get my fill of salty air and mist on my face. If only I'd brought a chair to sit in. He would have gone in the car and dozed off. He should be grateful I don't pull out a sketch pad and begin drawing the scene. I'm not that talented though so he's safe. Until the next time that is.
The more wild the sea, the better I like it. Maybe I find the whole thing exciting and untameable. And the wind only adds to the feeling of being free and I lose myself in thought and sensations. I grew up on the water and miss it very much. Now I live in the woods and enjoy that also, but the love of being near the water has never left me.
I let Kitty out this morning, early, as she thought she might miss out on something. It was raining very lightly so she was brave. I don't see her waiting at the door yet so imagine she has found some cover. Usually under the car of patio table. She is just so curious over a bug or a fallen leaf turning on the patio as the breeze lifts it and lets it drop back.
I ordered some sheets from last night. They are supposed to have the big pockets so that the bottom fitted sheet goes all the way under to be tucked in neatly. Mine used to be fine. They are lovely and so soft, but I have to battle them to get them on the mattress, now that I have the thick padding to ease the bones and make for a more comfortable sleep. One night only, and the next morning they have come undone, as I have because I know the back will be out again and I'll be hurting. I never realized that mattress was so heavy before. I guess as you grow older, you notice things like that. Now it is a two man job, with hubby hurting just as much as I. That's called sharing... We're both hoping these new sheets will do the trick.
Well, he is sitting in his recliner now with a pair of socks in his hand, fast asleep. I promised him a good breakfast this morning so I will leave this for today. I have to sweeten him up to go shopping for a beach chair while the stores still have them. We had some great ones but left them in the RV when we left it in Florida with our son. It won't take much coaxing, he loves to shop. I believe it is now his true calling.
I think I will make a baked custard later today to heat the house up. It makes me think of my little granny, she always made me baked custard when I didn't feel well. I'm just fine but any excuse to enjoy baked custard. I just have to learn to go easy on the sugar...
Have a great day and don't bust your butt. Bury yourself in a good book.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A New Day

I sure hope it is a good morning. Yesterday was blah so I didn't even bother getting on the computer. We had grocery shopping to do and we had to go to Wal-Mart also because Kert needed paint. This makes the fifth time he has needed two cans of spray paint for the engine of our grandson's car out in the garage. Grandson has a red truck that I love, but he has a friend who wants it and wanted to make a trade.

Honest to goodness, this car he is working on came to him as a kit more or less. The kid tore it all apart and everything was thrown in the back seat. He was supposed to come and help Josh but so far we have not seen hide nor hair of him. Josh and his dad have been working on it for more than a month and it still has a long way to come before it's finished. I just have the idea that once it's all put together with the missing parts and painted, the kid will change his mind and want his car back. If I have to I will chain it to our garage to keep it here. I don't trust this exchange at all. Kids, they don't believe in getting signed contracts.

Well, yesterday's shopping trip turned out to be more than I bargained for, so I told hubby I would not go shopping with him again. I asked him to pick up the trash bags and I would get the soup stock. I had all the groceries in the cart and he came back about 20 minutes later with his two cans of spray paint clutched in his little hands. I almost exploded trying to keep the frustration inside. I think if I go shopping twice a week and just buy for the meals I plan, I can do great by myself. Yes it's two trips, but short ones and I can carry three bags without any trouble. We have all kinds of things stocked up so if we get caught in a blizzard and are snowed in for a month, the food on hand will last us. Two hands will save on our grocery bill big time!

It's pretty cool out this morning and tomorrow it is supposed to be rainy and raw. Ya'll know now that summer is over for sure. Just as long as we get some nice autumn days I will be happy. Maybe if we get our car fixed soon, we will be able to take an anniversary trip to Vermont. Just an over nighter, but it will be a pretty drive and won't cost an arm and a leg. It's a thought anyway.

Hubby and son are going to the races tonight. Another night by myself to do what I want. I think it's time to clear out my bedroom. I had things in piles to donate to Good Will and the dressy clothes to the Women to Work Program. Well, the piles slid off onto the floor and when I woke up in the middle of the night I was barricaded. What a surprise and not a pleasant one!

The trip to Wal-Mart didn't give me any inspiration other than to marvel at how some of the older women are dressing. 60 and 70 year olds trying to look like teenagers with skirts up to, well too far if you get my drift. Some still in bathing suits with a skimpy wrap around their waist. Kert said the wrap should have come up over their heads. He was right. And I just love the ones in short shorts with the 4 inch gold lame heels and dyed blonde hair. They don't realize what the salt water does to it. What on earth are they thinking????? Oh well, it was a conversation piece between hubby and I. We laughed a lot!

I slept upside down in bed last night so I could be near the window to hear the critters night time serenade. I will sure miss them once it gets colder out. It's been cool enough not to have to use all the fans or the back bedroom AC so I have been able to enjoy what goes on outside. Today I hear the leaves blowing across the patio. That's a nice sound too but not the pollens and dust they dredge up.

Well, that's my news for today. Nothing exciting but at least I made myself write. Once I skip a day, that's when I start getting out of the habit and I'm really trying to become disciplined. LOL, this should be something. I started journaling years ago and I found my book not so long ago. I lasted exactly six days and then the book was blank. I was still raising my kids at the time so I imagine I got caught up with keeping on top of the boys and checking my house plants often. I think you get the idea.

Well, I have to go to the Chiropractor so she can pop my neck. It always feels so much better when she's done with me. It doesn't last long, just enough to almost get me through to the next week. Oh this getting older is for the birds.

Now if I can get my 4 inch heels on and my hair poofed before it's time to go, I will be accomplishing a major feat. Smile.

Have a wonderful day all.
