Cars, trucks, cars, Grrrrrr.
For the past month we have spent a fortune in auto repairs and again the gremlins have struck! My '97 Nissan which has been in for repairs twice in as many weeks would not start Friday morning when we needed to get our flu shots. After cleaning up and fighting my way into clothes and the damn bra (no muumuus allowed), hubby turned the key in the ignition and nothing happened. He put the battery on charge and after 5 hours, still nothing. That battery was a dead as it could possibly be.
I trooped into the house and just sat wondering when this would end. I mean how much can go wrong with an old car that has had almost everthing replaced?? Hubby said to heck with it and told me to jump in the truck so off we went to get our shots and then to the bank. When finished he then asked me where I wanted to go. I loudly said "HOME!" I didn't want any part of a car the rest of the day.
Today they have been working on disassembling the Nissan to replace the alternator. Earlier Hubby had to make an emergency run to AutoZone to get a metric wrench. Now he came in and told me he had to go back and buy a screw. He just came home with one part and now has to run back after another. I told him to buy nuts and bolts and screws while he was at it because it never fails, when they take a part off, it breaks. Nope, he didn't need any. So now he just left to get the screw that wouldn't come off and broke while removing the gizmo. This is like a never ending dance lately. It never fails to be a much bigger job than they first envisioned. "No sweat Hon." Sure, as if I'll ever believe those words uttered by his mouth again. I'm smiling, I'm smiling. Nope, I'm actually lying through my teeth.
Our '97 Chevy Blazer goes in the auto shop to be repaired this week. I want it done by a pro so if I want to scream at somebody, it will fall on his ears and I can make an arse of myself. Heck, I'm paying for it and if it isn't right then I ought to be able to yell at someone. I mean, we aren't made of money and our cars have been there more often then home the past month. Repair those old cars President O Bama says, they will last forever if you treat them right. Well Pres, that costs money and we certainly didn't get any of your Stimulus moola. And now we certainly can't afford to buy a new one.
Heck, I'm just so frustrated and wasn't going to blog, but then I thought, why not throw some of the bad in with the good. I mean, I don't want to come across as a Goody Two Shoes. Some things do make me want to tear my hair out and roll on the ground like a two year old having a tantrum.
Well, my rant is over so I will close and wish everyone a good day. Now I'm smiling!
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