I sure hope it is a good morning. Yesterday was blah so I didn't even bother getting on the computer. We had grocery shopping to do and we had to go to Wal-Mart also because Kert needed paint. This makes the fifth time he has needed two cans of spray paint for the engine of our grandson's car out in the garage. Grandson has a red truck that I love, but he has a friend who wants it and wanted to make a trade.
Honest to goodness, this car he is working on came to him as a kit more or less. The kid tore it all apart and everything was thrown in the back seat. He was supposed to come and help Josh but so far we have not seen hide nor hair of him. Josh and his dad have been working on it for more than a month and it still has a long way to come before it's finished. I just have the idea that once it's all put together with the missing parts and painted, the kid will change his mind and want his car back. If I have to I will chain it to our garage to keep it here. I don't trust this exchange at all. Kids, they don't believe in getting signed contracts.
Well, yesterday's shopping trip turned out to be more than I bargained for, so I told hubby I would not go shopping with him again. I asked him to pick up the trash bags and I would get the soup stock. I had all the groceries in the cart and he came back about 20 minutes later with his two cans of spray paint clutched in his little hands. I almost exploded trying to keep the frustration inside. I think if I go shopping twice a week and just buy for the meals I plan, I can do great by myself. Yes it's two trips, but short ones and I can carry three bags without any trouble. We have all kinds of things stocked up so if we get caught in a blizzard and are snowed in for a month, the food on hand will last us. Two hands will save on our grocery bill big time!
It's pretty cool out this morning and tomorrow it is supposed to be rainy and raw. Ya'll know now that summer is over for sure. Just as long as we get some nice autumn days I will be happy. Maybe if we get our car fixed soon, we will be able to take an anniversary trip to Vermont. Just an over nighter, but it will be a pretty drive and won't cost an arm and a leg. It's a thought anyway.
Hubby and son are going to the races tonight. Another night by myself to do what I want. I think it's time to clear out my bedroom. I had things in piles to donate to Good Will and the dressy clothes to the Women to Work Program. Well, the piles slid off onto the floor and when I woke up in the middle of the night I was barricaded. What a surprise and not a pleasant one!
The trip to Wal-Mart didn't give me any inspiration other than to marvel at how some of the older women are dressing. 60 and 70 year olds trying to look like teenagers with skirts up to, well too far if you get my drift. Some still in bathing suits with a skimpy wrap around their waist. Kert said the wrap should have come up over their heads. He was right. And I just love the ones in short shorts with the 4 inch gold lame heels and dyed blonde hair. They don't realize what the salt water does to it. What on earth are they thinking????? Oh well, it was a conversation piece between hubby and I. We laughed a lot!
I slept upside down in bed last night so I could be near the window to hear the critters night time serenade. I will sure miss them once it gets colder out. It's been cool enough not to have to use all the fans or the back bedroom AC so I have been able to enjoy what goes on outside. Today I hear the leaves blowing across the patio. That's a nice sound too but not the pollens and dust they dredge up.
Well, that's my news for today. Nothing exciting but at least I made myself write. Once I skip a day, that's when I start getting out of the habit and I'm really trying to become disciplined. LOL, this should be something. I started journaling years ago and I found my book not so long ago. I lasted exactly six days and then the book was blank. I was still raising my kids at the time so I imagine I got caught up with keeping on top of the boys and checking my house plants often. I think you get the idea.
Well, I have to go to the Chiropractor so she can pop my neck. It always feels so much better when she's done with me. It doesn't last long, just enough to almost get me through to the next week. Oh this getting older is for the birds.
Now if I can get my 4 inch heels on and my hair poofed before it's time to go, I will be accomplishing a major feat. Smile.
Have a wonderful day all.
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