Yesterday turned out to be a fine day. Windy and sunny, just how I like it. Especially when you visit the ocean. I can't think of anything more relaxing and exciting than watching those waves come in and trying to figure out where they will make the most beautiful combination of crashing sea and rocks. I took this picture after many tries, and will share more later.
Today it is rainy and raw out. I've had to close all my windows but one because it is feeling damp in the house. I left all the windows open all night, not a smart move so today I need some warmth. Fickle woman, I'm never happy with the weather it seems. Wait until snow!
I've been going to my special spot over the cliffs in Rhode Island to watch the sea and its many moods for so many years. It never fails to bring peace to my soul. On the other hand, hubby was bored with it and just wanted me to get my pictures so he could leave. I wanted to stay awhile and just get my fill of salty air and mist on my face. If only I'd brought a chair to sit in. He would have gone in the car and dozed off. He should be grateful I don't pull out a sketch pad and begin drawing the scene. I'm not that talented though so he's safe. Until the next time that is.
The more wild the sea, the better I like it. Maybe I find the whole thing exciting and untameable. And the wind only adds to the feeling of being free and I lose myself in thought and sensations. I grew up on the water and miss it very much. Now I live in the woods and enjoy that also, but the love of being near the water has never left me.
I let Kitty out this morning, early, as she thought she might miss out on something. It was raining very lightly so she was brave. I don't see her waiting at the door yet so imagine she has found some cover. Usually under the car of patio table. She is just so curious over a bug or a fallen leaf turning on the patio as the breeze lifts it and lets it drop back.
I ordered some sheets from last night. They are supposed to have the big pockets so that the bottom fitted sheet goes all the way under to be tucked in neatly. Mine used to be fine. They are lovely and so soft, but I have to battle them to get them on the mattress, now that I have the thick padding to ease the bones and make for a more comfortable sleep. One night only, and the next morning they have come undone, as I have because I know the back will be out again and I'll be hurting. I never realized that mattress was so heavy before. I guess as you grow older, you notice things like that. Now it is a two man job, with hubby hurting just as much as I. That's called sharing... We're both hoping these new sheets will do the trick.
Well, he is sitting in his recliner now with a pair of socks in his hand, fast asleep. I promised him a good breakfast this morning so I will leave this for today. I have to sweeten him up to go shopping for a beach chair while the stores still have them. We had some great ones but left them in the RV when we left it in Florida with our son. It won't take much coaxing, he loves to shop. I believe it is now his true calling.
I think I will make a baked custard later today to heat the house up. It makes me think of my little granny, she always made me baked custard when I didn't feel well. I'm just fine but any excuse to enjoy baked custard. I just have to learn to go easy on the sugar...
Have a great day and don't bust your butt. Bury yourself in a good book.
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