Hubby slept yesterday until 3:45 in the afternoon and when he got up he had all this energy. Fine for him but he woke me up at 4 a.m. when he finally hauled his butt to bed. That was it for me. Once I wake up I'm stuck. This morning he came to bed before 5 a.m. and I got up to get a glass of water. Naturally he was up all night watching his war movies or reruns of the auto races. Oh how mismatched we are! All I can think of is why did we retire? I miss all the people and the laughter through the days. And being apart daily gave us more to talk about when we were together.
Since he got so much sleep in yesterday, he washed the dishes for me and I knew he was wanting to go to the campground to be with the kids last night. I was hacking and sniffling so I told him to go and have fun. I enjoy it when they are gone. It's like a mini vacation for me. Not that they are any work for me, it's just the cars and trucks pulling in and out of the drive. The loud noise and dust from the dirt driveway coming in the windows just gets to me. I know, I'm getting to be an old crone.
Soon they will be coming home. 4 trucks, one car and two canoes. Plus all the paraphanalia that they took with them. Big gas grills to cook on instead of a nice campfire which makes the food taste so much better in my humble opinion. Oh well, this is now but in our day we did the real camping. Sometimes we didn't even have a tent. The boys outgrew that though or rather their bodies have. Now it's them who complain about aches and pains and bad backs. Welcome to the world of the aging. LOL but no, it's really not funny and I shouldn't make fun of them.
Yep, I sure picked the right picture to put on my blog. I'll get off now before I start getting on everybody's nerves.
It won't be long before I have them piling in for hot showers and the washing of dirty clothes. Smile, you know you really do miss them when they are gone.
Have a great Labor Day everybody. I think it's our last nice day for the week.
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