I wasn't going to write today because we are still waiting for the car to be fixed and I haven't been anywhere except to the library so no excitement there.
Jon is bringing a testing kit home from his friends auto shop to go over our new alternator which doesn't seem to work. They think when the blow up occurred the other day, that it might have fried wires. Now they have to check them all out and see if they can repair it sooner rather than later. Now we can't put the other car in the shop until we have one to use first. Believe it or not, I'm keeping my cool. Haven't gone off the deep end but there's always tomorrow.
It was so cold in the house when I woke up, my hands were stiff and fingers couldn't type. I wasn't going to blog but after sitting on my hands for a half hour, they have feeling again so here I am, trying at least.
I was going to dump all my planters today and should have done it this morning while it was so cold, and the bees weren't active yet. They have been out in droves and all over my flowers which have been struggling to make it with this crazy weather. The only thing still blooming are the planters full of petunias. I think if I'd let them they would be going strong until the first snow. Tonight they will be gone, cruelly tossed over the bank by an uncaring frustrated gardener. Then the bees won't have anything here to be drawn to. And just maybe the petunia seeds will cause new plants to grow in late spring. I'm hoping so.
This summer was a bust and too much work to keep up with the flowers. We had more fall like weather than summer, so it's no surprise that this is the last day of summer and this afternoon brings in the season of Autumn. Actually it is called the Autumnal Equinox. I must look that up. :)
With the arrival of Autumn comes memories of my mom and dad. Their anniversary fell in October and every year they would go to Vermont for leaf peeping. Mom never failed to come home bearing gifts, Maple Sugar candies, gritty tasting on the outside and creamy on the inside. Maple leaf jewelry, delicate and dipped in gold. I thought Vermont must be a magical place.
With October comes our anniversary also, 49 years. And like mom and dad, every October we would haul ourselves to Vermont and New Hampshire where I fell in love with the many small towns with the friendly people. I can't leave out the chicken and biscuit suppers advertised outside the churches lining the road sides. The lovely churches with the high spires set within a cluster of beautifully attired trees, brimming with all the colors that autumn in New England is famous for. And yes, we bring home presents also. The same gritty maple sugar candies, funny wooden puzzles made by the local craftsmen. I also pick up my special address book with the woodcut cover. If I had a daughter I think she would follow our lead and keep the journey alive.
I seem to be rambling on and am in need of a cat nap. I needed one when I first started this blog today, thus the little kitty asleep on the ball of yarn. It's sleep deprivation, the odds and ends that come out in our thoughts, in disconnected ways and ramblings.
I leave this blog with a wish for all who read it to have a wonderful day and a Happy Autumn.
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