A soggy wet leaf, with all the oomph taken out of it. No sleep last night and this morning I just can't get out of my own way.
I started making a huge pot of Chili, half way through I realized I was out of kidney beans. Upon searching in the lower shelves which are hard for me to get to, I also found that I had no little cans of green Chile peppers. Groan, that meant I had to go shopping and in a hurry.
Now just the thought of getting dressed and going shopping turned me off. It also turned my brain to the Off Mode. There I sat in the driveway, key in hand while I tried valiantly to hold my hand still enough to insert key. Helpful hubby came over to the car window and said, "Well turn the key!" My hand was shaking like a leaf in the wind and there way no way I could turn the ignition on. I was ready to tear hair out and not mine! What was he thinking of? Of course I would turn the key if I were able.
Pure frustration won out and I put the car in reverse and backed out. Gee, I felt so accomplished. Then I put the gear in drive and presto, the car cooperated and I drove off, not happily but in a better frame of mine. Once at the grocery store I noticed a few more things I was in need of so into the cart they went. By the time I was finished, my energy had been blown away so I grabbed a half gallon of ice cream as a reward. Next, to the cashier to pay. Ooops, I hadn't taken any cash with me. I found my ATM card to my surprise and delight. Phew, saved...
At home I put away the perishables, grabbed a cup of ice cream and collapsed in my recliner. Then I got up, opened eleven cans and got the chili going. Who says you can't make a great meal out of a can? Hubby just got up from the table and said, "It's delicious and tomorrow it will be even better." Thank goodness I made so much today, for tomorrow I don't have to cook.
Yea, that will give me time to finally get my kitchen table cleared of all the paper work that has been decorating it for too long. I have company coming and it will be nice to all sit at the table to eat together. It's sure been awhile! I love to cook but hate housework. In other words, I'm a slob!!!
If I miss blogging for a few days, I'm sure you will understand. Smile.
Have a good day people.
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