Here it is, Halloween already. The way I'm feeling, the broom is ready and waiting for me. And look, it's already in the right position for me to hop on and take a head dunk.
I've so blue over the dreary weather but I'm sure I'd hate the cold more. It's just these leaves keep piling up on the patio and as soon as hubby clears them off, within minutes more start dropping. They are wet and stick to the bottom of your shoes, and without knowing it you bring them in and they are on the kitchen floor, carpets, etc. The cat has fun with them for a little while and then when they are all broken up, she leaves them. My vacuum is working double time. Living in the woods does have it drawbacks at times.
Well, since I've been away, I had one car which needed work and was in the repair shop for over two weeks. We got it back last Friday. Yesterday hubby was going shopping and had been gone for a few hours. I figured he would be awhile since he had to go to Home Depot and the Autozone plus get groceries. I was watching TV when I heard a slam of the patio door. In he came all upset and out of breath. Here I was visualizing him doing his errands and happy to be out and about to do MAN things, and all the time he was broke down in the newly repaired car. He had to call our son to help him out. Turns out the hose to transmission blew loose and the car was absolutely covered in oil. Son brought him 4 quarts and followed him home. He'd only gotten 2 miles away when this happened.
Son and friend worked on the car and told dear Dad to go get a couple gallons of antifreeze. That took him out of the house for another hour. While son and Tim worked on the car, hubby used my old car which had been in for repairs before this last one and I prayed it would last a little longer. Like a few years! He was all geared up to go shopping, like he had first set out to do. He came home with the items on the list and to cheer me up he also bought me a box of eclairs and a half gallon of coffee ice cream. I'm diabetic and in the back of my mind I wondered if he was trying to get rid of me. In a loving way of course.
When the mail came I found that our registration had expired and the RV insurance was due. Oh man, I needed that on top of everything else. Jon went to Motor Vehicle Department In Florida and paid for two years for the registration (the RV is there and he lives in it), and I called the insurance company and renewed the policy by phone. I was having a panic attack in the middle of all this and just wanted to put a bag over my head and pretend I wasn't here.
This whole month has been one crisis after another and when I didn't have my own to deal with, the granddaughter in Colorado would call with hers. Misery loves company I guess. I didn't come to my blog to write because I didn't want to whine and complain. This is my happy place where reality doesn't exist, at least the negative things. Well today I sure blew it didn't I?
On a happy note, my brother and his wife came for a visit from Arkansas. It was so great to see them and even though it wasn't for long, we did get to spend some time with them visiting relatives and eating out. Gosh, do they do dinners or lunches. I got spoiled. I even cooked a ham dinner with all the fixings and had everything cooked and done at the same time. Now that's good for an old gal like me. We've been on special diets but that day we blew it big time. Of course I almost lost the ham trying to get it out of the oven but son, Jon, came to my rescue. He helped me so much and I really appreciated it. I think he wanted to make sure I didn't drop anything, baked ham makes a horrible mess when it slips out of the pan and on to the floor. I know, I've been there already. Sticky and slippery!!
Now Jon has gone back to Florida and brother and wife left the same day. To say I was blue is an understatement. It's so quiet here now with hubby sleeping and me at the computer. At least I can think straight for a little while. I just have to remember how to post this without losing it like my last try.
That's my news for now. Sorry it couldn't have been up and perky sounding but if you could see me, you'd know perky just isn't me right now.
Have a great day people.
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